better1 | vt 1. make better, improve, membaiki: to strive toward ~ing their working conditions, berusaha bersungguh-sungguh utk membaiki keadaan kerja mereka; to ~ o’s lot, membaiki nasib sendiri; 2. surpass, mengatasi: the athlete has ~ed his previous record by several seconds, olahragawan itu mengatasi rekodnya yg dahulu dgn beberapa saat; production this year ~ed considerably that of last year, pengeluaran tahun ini banyak mengatasi pengeluaran tahun lalu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cure | n 1. st that heals, a. ubat: to work on a ~ for the disease, mencari ubat utk penyakit itu; a ~ for headache, ubat sakit kepala; b. (fig.) cara mengatasi: there is no simple ~ for inflation, tdk ada cara mudah utk mengatasi inflasi; 2. act of healing, pengubatan, cara mengubati (+ approp n): research on the ~ of typhoid, penyelidikan ttg pengubatan kepialu; 3. recovery, penyembuhan: his miraculous ~ surprised everyone, penyembuhannya yg luar biasa itu memeranjatkan semua orang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
better1 | get the ~ of, a. gain victory over (so.) mengatasi; b. win (in argument etc) menang dlm [perdebatan dll]; c. overwhelm, menguasai: her emotions got the ~ of her, dia dikuasai perasaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cope 1 | ~ with, a. (person) melayan: she was able to ~ with the large number of guests, dia dapat melayan tetamu yg ramai itu; b. (antagonistic party) mengawal: the police could not ~ with the rioters as there were too many of them, pihak polis tdk dapat mengawal perusuh-perusuh itu krn bilangan mereka terlalu ramai; c. (situation, problem, difficulty) menghadapi dan mengatasi: they had to ~ with crisis after crisis, mereka terpaksa menghadapi dan mengatasi krisis demi krisis; d. (work, task) mengendalikan, membuat; e. (demand) memenuhi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cure | vt 1. heal, a. menyembuhkan, mengubati: the medicine that he had been taking did not ~ him, ubat yg diambilnya tdk dapat menyembuhkannya; b. (fig.) menyebabkan [sso] membuang: the shock of losing all his money ~d him of his gambling habit, terkejut krn kehilangan semua wangnya telah menyebabkan dia membuang tabiat suka berjudi; leaving him on his own might ~ him of his laziness, meninggalkannya seorang diri boleh menyebabkan dia membuang tabiat malasnya; 2. get rid of by treatment etc, a. mengubati, menyembuhkan: it is difficult to ~ asthma, sukar utk mengubati penyakit asma; b. (fig.) mengatasi: religious revival is a way of curing social evils, kebangkitan agama adalah satu cara utk mengatasi keburukan-keburukan sosial; 3. preserve by drying, salting, etc, mengawetkan: to ~ meat, mengawetkan daging; 4. vulcanize, memvulkan: to ~ rubber, memvulkan getah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hurdle | vt 1. jump over, melompati: to ~ a hedge, melompati pagar pokok; 2. overcome, surmount, mengatasi: there are many problems to be ~d, banyak masalah yg perlu diatasi; 3. fence off, memagari. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
help | n 1. assistance, pertolongan, bantuan; (from God) pertolongan: the refugees received ~ from the Red Crescent, orang-orang pelarian itu menerima pertolongan dr Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah; we will survive the crisis with God’s ~, kita akan dapat mengatasi krisis ini dgn pertolongan Tuhan; 2. assistant, servant, pembantu: domestic ~ is hard to find, pembantu rumah sukar dicari; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
better1 | be ~ off, a. be richer, lebih berada: they are ~ off than we are, mereka lebih berada drpd kami; b. be in more favourable circumstances, lebih baik (lagi): because of his illness, he would be ~ off in a warmer climate, oleh sebab penyakitnya itu, lebih baik dia tinggal di tempat yg lebih panas iklimnya; she’ll be ~ off in a mental asylum, dia lebih baik tingal di rumah sakit otak; go one ~ (than) mengatasi; had ~, lebih baik: I had ~ warn you, lebih baik saya mengingatkan kamu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disorder | n 1. lack of order, disarrangement, (keadaan) berse(le)rak; (of retreating troops) keadaan kelam-kabut: the burglars left the house in a state of ~, perompak-perompak meninggalkan rumah itu dlm keadaan berselerak; 2. breach of peace, commotion, kekacauan: the army was brought in to deal with the ~ in the city, pihak tentera dibawa masuk utk mengatasi kekacauan di bandar raya itu; 3. failure to function properly, gangguan: bowel ~, gangguan usus; digestive ~, gangguan pencernaan; stomach ~, gangguan pd perut; nervous ~, gangguan saraf; mental ~, gangguan mental. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gain | vt 1. acquire, obtain, mendapat, [sometimes memperoleh]; (with pers pron) menyebabkan [sso] mendapat [sst]: he ~ed a large sum of money out of the deal, dia mendapat jumlah wang yg banyak drpd urus janji itu; there is nothing to be ~ed by rudeness, kita tdk mendapat apa-apa pun dgn berlaku biadab; to ~ valuable experience, memperoleh pengalaman yg tdk ternilai; to ~ knowledge, memperoleh pengetahuan; to try to ~ so’s sympathy, cuba mendapatkan simpati; to ~ an advantage over o’s competitor, dia mendapat kelebihan utk mengatasi saingannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |