coin | ~ /it, money/, (colloq) mengecap duit: he is in the oil business and is really ~ing it in, dia dlm perniagaan minyak dan benar-benar mengecap duit; to ~ a phrase, (humorous) kalau hendak menggunakan bidalan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
label | vt 1. put label on, melabel, membubuh label pd: the barrel was ~led “explosives”, tong itu dilabel “bahan letupan”; 2. describe, classify, mengecap, melabel: to ~ so. a coward, mengecap sso pengecut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
call | ~ so. names, mengecap sso dgn nama celaan, mencela sso dgn berbagai-bagai gelaran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
frank | vt memfrangki; (pop.) mengecap. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flush1 | give st a ~, mencurahkan air ke dlm sst: the drain needs clearing: give it a ~, longkang itu perlu dibersihkan: curahkan air ke dalamnya; in the first ~ of, (semasa) mula mengecap nikmat: in the first ~ of victory hopes were high, semasa mula mengecap nikmat kemenangan, harapan melambung tinggi; in the full ~ of, pd kemuncak: in the full ~ of youth, pd /kemuncak, puncak/ keremajaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
affix | vt 1. fasten, melekatkan; (by an adhesive) melekatkan, menampalkan: to ~ labels to the boxes, melekatkan label pd kotak; 2. impress, mengecap: the document was ~ed with an official stamp, dokumen itu dicap dgn cap rasmi; 3. add in writing, membubuh; (signature) membubuh, menurunkan: a footnote was ~ed to the page, satu nota kaki dibubuh di muka surat itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
label | n1. tag, label: he tied the ~ to the handle of the suitcase, dia mengikatkan label pd tangkai beg pakaiannya; she stuck the ~ on the parcel, dia melekatkan label itu pd bungkusan tersebut; 2. word, phrase used as convenient generalised classification, label; (for person) mengecap, melabel: he applies the ~ “fascist” to every conservative organization, dia memberikan label “fasis” kpd setiap pertubuhan konservatif; don’t put ~s on people before you know them, jangan mengecap orang sebelum kamu mengenali mereka; 3. trademark, label: Richard Marx’s “Right Here Waiting” is on the CBS ~, lagu “Right Here Waiting” oleh Richard Marx dirakamkan di bawah label CBS; 4. (computer technology) label; 5. (chem) label; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brand | vt 1. burn with a brand, menyelar: to ~ cattle, menyelar lembu; 2. label with trademark, membubuh (+ approp n) pd, membubuhi (+ approp n): the boxes were ~ed with the manufacturer’s name, kotak-kotak itu dibubuhi nama pembuatnya or nama pembuat dibubuh pd kotak-kotak itu; 3. impress indelibly in the memory, (act.) menanam; (pass.) tertanam: the scene of the murder was ~ed in his mind, kejadian pembunuhan itu tertanam dlm fikirannya; 4. stigmatize, mengecap: they ~ed him a traitor, mereka mengecapnya sbg pengkhianat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |