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Kamus Bahasa Melayu

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Definisi : memberi bercat, mewarnai (per­mukaan spt dinding dll) dgn cat: sekaliannya dicat dgn air emas; ~ dan menghiasi rumah; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

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Definisi : mewarnai dgn cat; menyapu (menyembur) dgn cat: Dia ~ rumahnya (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata mengecat

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

distemper1vt paint using distemper, mengecat dgn distemper.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
do~ over, a. redecorate, menghias semula; (by painting) mengecat semula: the bathroom needs ~ing over, bilik mandi ini perlu dicat semula; b. (US) make again, membuat semula; c. (sl) attack severely, menghentam, membelasah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
decoratevt 1. adorn, menghias(i): to ~ a church with flowers, menghias gereja dgn bunga; the border of the material was ~d with flower motifs, bahagian tepi kain itu dihiasi motif bunga; 2. (paint) mengecat; (put wall paper on), /memasang, melekatkan/ kertas hias dinding di: the cost of decorating a house, kos mengecat rumah; 3. award mark of honour to, mengurniakan /pingat, bintang/ kpd, mengurniai [sso] /pingat, bintang/: ~d for bravery, dikurniai pingat krn keberanian.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hirevt 1. pay money to use, menyewa: they ~d a bus for the trip, mereka menyewa sebuah bas utk perjalanan itu; 2. employ temporarily for payment, mengupah: we ~d two men to paint the garage, kami mengupah dua orang utk mengecat garaj itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
botchn (colloq) also ~-up, kerja tdk senonoh: that kind of ~ is worse than no work at all, kerja tdk senonoh spt itu lebih buruk drpd tdk membuat apa-apa pun; make a ~ of st, [various translations]: he’s made a ~ of painting the garden wall, dia mengecat tembok taman dgn tdk senonoh; I’ve made a ~ of the curry, kari saya tdk jadi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
jobI had a ~ looking for my contact lens in the bathroom this morning, teruk juga saya mencari kanta sentuh saya di dlm bilik mandi pagi tadi; it’s just the ~, (colloq), /inilah, itulah/ yg sso mahu: thank you for lending me the saw, it was just the ~, terima kasih krn meminjami saya gergaji itu, itulah yg saya mahu; make a /good, bad/ ~ of st, /approp v, tdk + approp v/ dgn baik: he has made a good ~ of painting the house, dia telah mengecat rumah itu dgn baik; nine-to-five ~, kerja diKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
how~ many, a. (with nouns that can take a classifier) berapa + approp classifier, berapa banyak; (ref to person) berapa orang, berapa ramai: ~ many elephants were killed?, berapa ekor gajah yg terbunuh; b. (with nouns that do not take a classifier) berapa: ~ many times did he call?, berapa kali dia telefon?; ~ so, /bagaimana, macam mana/ pula; ~’s that, a. also ~ about that, what’s your opinion, macam mana, bagaimana: I’ve painted the room a different colour, ~’s that?, saya sudah mengecat bilik ini dgn warna lain, bagaimana?; b. repeat, apa dia?;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
elbowat o’s ~, berdamping dgn, di samping, di sisi: his wife is always at his ~, isterinya selalu berdamping dengannya;/bend, crook, lift/ o’s ~, (kuat) minum arak; get the ~, kena pecat; give so. the ~, /memecat, membuang, mengeluarkan/ sso; out at ~s, a. (of clothes) worn out, lusuh; b. (of person) shabbily dressed, berpakaian compang-camping; rub ~s with, bergaul (rapat) dgn; up to the ~s (in, with), sibuk: I’m up to the ~s in painting the house, saya sedang sibuk mengecat rumah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
halfadj 1. being one of two (approx) equal parts, setengah, separuh; (of measurement) setengah: he got a ~ share of the estate, dia mendapat setengah bahagian drpd harta itu; a ~ chicken, setengah ekor ayam; a ~ dozen, setengah dozen; ~ an hour, setengah jam; ~ the children in the class fell sick, separuh drpd kanak-kanak di dlm kelas itu jatuh sakit; he spends ~ his time playing golf, dia menghabiskan setengah drpd masanya bermain golf; 2. partial, [various translations]: the painter did only a ~ job on my walls, tukang cat itu hanya mengecat dinding rumah saya separuh jalan; ~ knowledge can be dangerous, pengetahuan yg tdk mendalam boleh mendatangkan bahaya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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