dog | vt mengekori: a stranger ~ged us, seorang yg tdk dikenali mengekori kami; 2. (fig.) memburu: he seems ~ged by misfortune, nampaknya dia diburu oleh nasib malang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
f ollow | ~ so. about, mengekori sso: the child ~ed his mother about as she bustled around in the kitchen, anak itu mengekori ibunya semasa dia sibuk bekerja di dapur; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
f ollow | 3. tail, shadow, mengekori, mengikuti: he was quite certain that he was being ~ed, dia pasti bahawa dia sedang diekori; 4. occur or come after in seqence of events, list, programme, etc, menyusuli, diikuti; (of season, feast day, etc) menyusuli: the main course was ~ed by sago pudding, hidangan utama diikuti oleh puding sagu; she ~ed up the telephone call with a visit, dia menyusuli panggilan telefon dgn lawatan; the dinner was ~ed by a dance, majlis makan malam itu disusuli oleh majlis tari-menari; the drought was ~ed by an epidemic, kemarau itu disusuli oleh wabak penyakit; New Year ~s Christmas, Tahun Baru menyusuli Krismas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heel 1 | down at ~, a. (of shoe) haus; b. (of person) selekeh: he looked down at ~ and dispirited, dia kelihatan selekeh dan tdk bersemangat; (follow) /at, on/ so’s ~s, mengekori sso: his faithful dog followed at his ~s wherever he went, anjingnya yg setia mengekorinya ke mana saja dia pergi; (follow) on the ~s of, mengekori: an epidemic usually follows on the ~s of a natural disaster, wabak selalunya mengekori kejadian bencana alam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
close | adv near, dekat, rapat: don’t come too ~, jangan datang dekat sangat; to follow ~ behind, mengekori dekat di belakang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
attach | ~ to, come to, [not translated]: no blame ~es to him, dia tdk dapat dipersalahkan; ~ os to, a. join os to (so.) menempel dekat (sso); (of animal) mengekori: a gossipy woman ~ed herself to me throughout the dinnner party, seorang perempuan yg suka mengumpat menempel dekat saya sepanjang jamuan makan malam itu; a stray cat ~ed itself to me as I was walking home, seekor kucing jalang mengekori saya semasa saya berjalan pulang; b. join os to, associate os with (st) menyertai: to ~ os to a travelling theatre, menyertai kumpulan teater bergerak; c. fasten os to, melekat: the barnacles that ~ themselves to ships’ bottoms, teritip yg melekat pd bahagian bawah kapal; ~ st to, a. see (sense 1.); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
f ollow | 5. a. proceed, go along (route indicated by) mengikut: they ~ed the road up to the junction, mereka mengikut jalan itu hingga ke persimpangan; to get to the cathedral just ~ the blue arrows, utk sampai ke katedral, ikut saja anak panah biru; 6. run parallel to, mengikut: the boundary between Thailand and Laos ~s the Mekong River, sempadan antara negeri Thai dan Laos mengikut Sungai Mekong; 7. watch steadily, mengekori, memperhatikan: he ~ed the dancer with his eyes, matanya mengekori penari itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hang | ~ / about, around /, (colloq) a. stand or loiter about, membuang-buang waktu, melepak-lepak: many young people can be seen ~ing around shopping complexes, ramai anak muda kelihatan membuang-buang waktu di kompleks beli-belah; b. dawdle, berlengah-lengah: don’t ~ about, we’re already late, jangan berlengah-lengah, kita sudah terlambat; c. stay close to, mengekori: there are always people ~ing around him, sentiasa ada orang yg mengekorinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
everywhere | adv 1. (in all parts, places) di merata-rata tempat; (in any place at all) di mana-mana saja: I’ve looked ~ for the keys, saya telah mencari kunci itu di merata-rata tempat; ~ there was chaos, di mana-mana berlaku huru-hara; 2. to all parts, places, ke merata-rata tempat; (to any place at all) ke mana-mana saja: when he came to Malaysia I brought him ~, apabila dia datang ke Malaysia, saya membawanya ke merata-rata tempat; he follows me ~ I go, dia mengekori saya ke mana-mana saja saya pergi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |