expand | vi 1. become greater in volume, size, etc, mengembang; (of tyre) mengambung, mengembang: iron ~s when heated, besi mengembang apabila dipanaskan; 2. (of petals) be spread out, berkembang, mekar; 3. become bigger, more successful, etc, berkembang: the business was expanding too rapidly, perniagaan itu berkembang dgn terlalu pesat; so.’s face ~ed in a smile, sso tersenyum lebar; 4. become more friendly, (menjadi) lebih mesra; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dilate | vi 1. expand, mengembang: the chest ~s when one breathes in, dada mengembang apabila sso menarik nafas; 2. (of eyes) membeliak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
distend | vi (fml), expand, swell, mengembang; (due to air, wind, gas from within) mengembung: in certain diseases the intestines will ~, bagi setengah-setengah penyakit usus akan mengembang; the stomach ~s when there’s a lot of gas in it, perut mengembung apabila terdapat banyak gas di dalamnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
according | adv; ~ as, depending on whether, bergantung kpd sama ada: the overhead wiring expands and contracts ~ as the temperature is high or low, wayar atas mengembang dan mengecut menurut tinggi rendahnya suhu; ~ to, a. (st) mengikut, menurut: ~ to age, mengikut umur; ~ to plan, mengikut rancangan; ~ to specificatns, mengikut spesifikasi; b. (so.) menurut: ~ to him, menurutnya; ~ to reliable sources, menurut sumber-sumber yg boleh dipercayai; ~ to officers of the department, menurut pegawai-pegawai jabatan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
burst | vi 1. break open, apart, into pieces, etc, pecah: that bag is ~ing, beg itu hendak pecah; the dam ~ during the floods, empangan itu pecah semasa banjir; the pain will ease when the abscess ~s, kesakitan itu akan mereda setelah bisul itu pecah; the bubble ~ in the air, gelembung itu pecah di udara; 2. explode, meletup: one of the tyres ~, salah satu drpd tayar itu meletup; 3. also ~ open, (of leaf, flower bud) mengembang, memekar: in spring the flower buds ~ open, kudup-kudup bunga memekar dlm musim bunga; 4. also ~ out, come forth forcefully, tercetus keluar: the words ~ from his mouth, kata-kata itu tercetus keluar dr mulutnya; let o’s anger ~ out, melepaskan kemarahan sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |