come | ~ out, a. move outside, keluar: he came out of the room with a file under his arm, dia keluar dr bilik itu sambil mengepit fail; b. be removed, tanggal, hilang; (of colour) turun: the coffee stain will ~ out quite easily, kesan kopi itu akan tanggal dgn mudah; the colour came out when I washed the material, warna kain itu turun semasa saya membasuhnya; c. be freed (from gaol etc) keluar: he will be coming out of prison soon, dia akan keluar dr penjara tdk lama lagi; d. appear (of sun) keluar, muncul; e. flower, berbunga; f. bloom, berkembang, mekar: the roses are all coming out, bunga-bunga mawar sedang berkembang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grip | her assailant suddenly ~ped her by the throat, penyerangnya tiba-tiba mencengkam lehernya; the old tyres could not ~ the road well, tayar lama itu tdk mencengkam jalan dgn baik; c. (with instrument) menyepit: he ~ped the burning coal with tongs, dia menyepit arang yg menyala itu dgn sepit; d. (between legs, under arms) mengepit: to ~ the saddle with his knees, mengepit pelana dgn lututnya; 2. take hold of, a. (so’s attention) mempesona: the play ~ped the audience, drama itu mempesona penonton; b. (imagination) menguasai: his paintings really ~ the imagination, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
arm1 | ~ in ~, berganding(an) tangan; as long as /my, your/ ~, (colloq) panjang berjela-jela, berjela-jela panjangnya: she gave me a shopping list as long as my ~, dia memberi saya senarai beli-belah yg panjang berjela-jela; /babe, child, etc/ in ~s, masih bayi; carry etc st under o’s ~, mengepit sst; have so. on o’s ~, berganding(an) tangan dgn sso; have st on o’s ~, ada [n ] di lengan sso: she had a basket on her ~, ada bakul di lengannya; be in so’s ~s, dlm pelukan sso; be in the ~s of Morpheus, sedang tidur; keep so. at ~’s length, menjauhi sso; linked ~s, berganding(an) tangan; put o’s ~ around so., memeluk sso; within ~’s reach, sepejangkauan, sepercapaian; with open ~s, dgn tangan terbuka: the family welcomed him back with open ~s, keluarganya menyambutnya kembali dgn tangan terbuka; would give o’s right ~, (colloq) rela membuat apa sahaja. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |