joint | vt melapah, mengerat(-ngerat), memotong(-motong): the butcher ~ed the carcass, penjual daging itu mengerat-ngerat binatang sembelihan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cut | 4. trim, memotong, mengerat: to ~ the grass, memotong rumput; to ~ o’s nails, memotong kuku; to ~ o’s hair, memotong rambut; 5. sever, memutuskan: to ~ the moorings, memutuskan tali tambatan; 6. make, shape with sharp instrument, a. (garment) memotong, menggunting; b. (notch, foothold, etc) menakik; c. (name, initial) mengukir, menggoreskan: he ~ his name on the rock, dia menggoreskan namanya pd batu itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cut | vi 1. make an incision, (with knife) memotong, mengerat; (with razor) mencukur; (with scissors) menggunting, memotong; (with axe) mengapak; 2. wound, (dapat) melukai: the lash ~s like a knife, cambuk ini melukai spt pisau; 3. (of wind) mengilukan: the icy wind ~s keenly, angin yg sejuk itu sangat mengilukan; 4. cross, bersilang: the two lines ~ at point P, dua garisan itu bersilang pd titik P; 5. be separated into parts by edged instrument, dipotong, dikerat, dihiris: cheese ~s easily, keju mudah dipotong; 6. (in filming) berhenti: the director shouted, “cut!”, “Berhenti!” teriak pengarah itu; 7. (of cloth) dipotong, digunting: this cloth ~s smoothly, kain ini mudah dipotong; 8. swerve, memotong: the winger suddenly ~ to the left, pemain sayap itu memotong ke kiri dgn tiba-tiba; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dismemberment | n act of, a. (tearing limb from limb) mengoyak-ngoyakkan; b. (cutting limbs from) memotong-motong, mengerat-ngerat, memenggal-menggal; c. (dividing up country, empire) pembahagian. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cut | ~ up, dapat /dipotong-potong, dikerat-kerat/; (into very small pieces) dapat dicencang: this wood ~s up easily, kayu ini dapat dipotong-potong dgn mudah; ~ st up, separate st into parts, /memotong-motong, mengerat-ngerat/ sst; (into very small pieces) mencencang; ~ so. up, (act.) menyedihkan sso; (pass.) sso sedih: he was ~ up after his parents’ divorce, dia sedih selepas ibu bapanya bercerai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dismember | vt 1. tear limb from limb, mengoyak-ngoyakkan: the animal was ~ed by a pack of wolves, binatang itu telah dikoyak-koyakkan oleh sekumpulan serigala; 2. cut limbs from, memotong-motong, mengerat-ngerat, memenggal-menggal: the corpse had been ~ed before it was stuffed into a trunk, mayat itu telah dikerat-kerat sebelum dimasukkan ke dalam peti; 3. divide up (country, empire) membahagi-bahagikan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cut | vt 1. wound, melukai; (accidentally) luka: mind the sharp glass or you’ll ~ your hand, hati-hati dgn kaca yg tajam itu, nanti tangan kamu luka; the handcuffs ~ his wrists, gari itu melukai pergelangan tangannya; he ~ himself while shaving, dia luka sewaktu bercukur; 2. separate into parts a. (gen) memotong, mengerat: to ~ the wires with a pair of pliers, memotong wayar dgn playar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |