combination lock | vt 1. cause to join together, menggabungkan: the play ~s imagination and wit, drama itu menggabungkan imaginasi dan akal; 2. cause to unite for a common purpose, menggabungkan, menyatukan; 3. do two or more activities at the same time, [various translations]: to ~ business with pleasure, menjalankan urusan perniagaan sambil berseronok-seronok; one person ~s the work of driver and office boy, seorang sahaja menjalankan tugas sbg pemandu dan penyelenggara pejabat; 4. (chem) memadukan: to ~ copper and iron, memadukan kuprum dan besi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
amalgamate | vt 1. combine, unite, menggabungkan, menyatukan: attempts to ~ the companies were not quite successful, usaha-usaha utk menggabungkan syarikat-syarikat itu tdk begitu berjaya; 2. combine with mercury, mengamalgamkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
consolidate | vt 1. unite, combine, menggabungkan, menyatukan; (debt, fund, etc) menyatukan: made plans to ~ the 3 companies, merancang utk menggabungkan ketiga-tiga syarikat itu; 2. strengthen, mengukuhkan, memperkukuh: to ~ o’s position, mengukuhkan kedudukan sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
incorporation | n 1. making part of a whole, penggabungan, menggabungkan: they voted for the ~ of the club into the University Union, mereka mengundi utk menggabungkan elab itu ke dlm Persatuan Universiti; the ~ of some of his more orthodox ideas into the scheme, penggabungan gagasannya yg lebih ortodoks ke dlm rancangan itu; 2. (US) forming into corporation, pemerbadanan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
conjoin | vt menggabungkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
confederate | vt menggabungkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
conflate | vt (fml) menggabungkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
incorporate | vt 1. make part of a whole, menggabungkan: Sabah and Sarawak were ~d into Malaysia in 1963, Sabah dan Sarawak digabungkan ke dlm Malaysia pd tahun 1963; a call-back facility has been ~d into the computerized telephone, kemudahan panggil balik telah digabungkan ke dlm telefon berkomputer itu; 2. have as part of whole, mengandungi: the memorandum ~d most of the suggestions put forward, memorandum itu mengandungi kebanyakan cadangan yg dikemukakan; 3. (US) form into corporation, memperbadankan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cement | vt 1. fix or cover with cement, menyimen: to ~ tiles to the wall, menyimen jubin-jubin ke dinding; to ~ the pool, menyimen kolam; 2. unite, menyatukan, menggabungkan: to ~ the small parties into one, menyatukan parti-parti kecil itu (menjadi satu); 3. strengthen, mengeratkan, merapatkan: to ~ a friendship, mengeratkan persahabatan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
add | vt 1. combine to form a sum, a. (one number to another) mencampurkan: to ~ six and eleven, mencampurkan enam dgn sebelas; b. also ~ st up, (two or more numbers) mencampurkan, menjumlahkan: he ~ed up the figures in the column, dia mencampurkan angka-angka dlm ruang itu; 2. also ~ (st) in, put or pour in, memasukkan, membubuh; (with intention to adulterate) mencampurkan: she ~ed flour to the mixture, dia memasukkan tepung ke dlm adunan; 3. increase amount of, menambahkan, membubuh lagi: to ~ more sugar to the coffee, menambahkan gula ke dlm kopi; 4. join so as to increase, memasukkan, menggabungkan: to ~ the cost of the freight to the total cost, memasukkan kos pengangkutan ke dlm jumlah kos; to ~ the interest to the capital, memasukkan faedah ke dlm jumlah pinjaman pokok; to ~ the new evidence to that already available, memasukkan bukti yg baru diperoleh kpd yg sedia ada; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |