sketch | 2. also ~ out, menggariskan secara /ringkas, kasar/: the Prime Minister ~ed out the measures that he proposed to take, Perdana Menteri menggariskan dgn ringkas langkah-langkah yg akan diambilnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
delineation | n penggambaran; (of plans, problems) menggariskan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
delineate | vt (fml) melukiskan; (plans, problems) menggariskan: the main features of the area are clearly ~d on the map, bentuk utama kawasan itu dilukiskan dgn jelas pd peta itu; the characters in the novel are well ~d, watak-watak dlm novel itu dilukiskan dgn baik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
run | ~ so. through, /merodok, meradak, menusuk/ sso: he ran his opponent through the arm, dia merodok lengan lawannya; ~ st through, a. pierce st, /merodokkan, meradakkan, menusukkan/ sst: he ran the sword through his rival’s arm, dia merodokkan pedang itu pd lengan pesaingnya; b. draw a line through st, menggariskan sst: the teacher ran her pencil through the sentences, guru itu menggariskan ayat-ayat itu dgn penselnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
outline | vt 1. draw in outline, menandakan: he ~d the states in red, dia menandakan negeri-negeri itu dgn warna merah; 2. delineate, (act.) menampakkan garis bentuk; (pass.) garis bentuk [sso, sst] /tampak, kelihatan/: the minaret was dimly ~d against the evening sky, garis bentuk menara itu tampak samar-samar berlatarbelakangkan langit pd waktu malam; 3. explain st without giving the details, menggariskan: he ~d Scott’s expedition to the South Pole, dia menggariskan ekspedisi Scott ke Kutub Selatan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |