dig | ~ st up, a. break up ground, /memecahkan, menggemburkan/ tanah; b. remove st by digging, menggali (keluar) sst: to ~ up the tree with its roots, menggali pokok dgn akar-akarnya; c. make a search for st, /mencungkil, mengorek, menggali/ sst: to ~ up the story of his life, mencungkil kisah hidupnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fork | vt use fork, a. (to put it somewhere) mencampakkan (sst) dgn pencucuk: he ~ed the corn sheaves onto the wagon, dia mencampakkan berkas-berkas jerami dgn pencucuk ke atas trak; b. (to break ground), /menggemburkan, membalik-balikkan/ dgn penggembur: he ~ed the rose bed yesterday, dia membalik-balikkan batas pokok mawar itu dgn penggembur semalam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cultivate | n vt 1. prepare land for crop, till, mengerjakan, mengusahakan: he cultivated the rice fields across the river, dia mengerjakan sawah padi di seberang sungai; 2. plant, raise, menanam: a plant ~d for its aromatic seeds, pokok yg ditanam utk mendapatkan bijinya yg wangi; 3. break up (ground) with hoe, cultivator, menggemburkan; 4. develop, improve by education, training or study, memupuk; (mind) membina; (accent) memperoleh: good habits that can be ~d, tabiat baik yg dapat dipupuk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |