burnish | vt menggilap, mengupam: he ~ed the brasses, dia menggilap barang-barang tembaga itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
buff1 | vt menggilap: he ~ed the metal till it shone, dia menggilap logam itu hingga berkilat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
furbish | vt 1. polish, menggilap: to ~ an old silver cup, menggilap piala perak yg lama; 2. also ~ up, improve the appearance, condition of, mem(per)baharui; (language) mengasah: this room needs to be ~ed up, bilik ini perlu diperbaharui. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cloth | n 1. material, kain: four yards of ~, empat ela kain; to polish with a soft ~, menggilap dgn kain lembut;2. the clergy, golongan paderi: to show respect for the ~, menghormati golongan paderi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gleam | vi 1. glow, bercahaya, bersinar: a candle ~ed in the dark, sebatang lilin bercahaya dlm kegelapan; 2. reflect brightly, berkilat: she polished the table until it ~ed, dia menggilap meja itu sehingga berkilat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brilliance, brilliancy | n 1. great brightness, terang-benderang: his eyes were dazzled by the ~ of the sun, matanya silau oleh cahaya matahari yg terang-benderang; 2. sparkle, kilauan: expert cutting and polishing enhances the ~ of a gemstone, cara memotong dan menggilap yg mahir menambah kilauan batu permata; 3. vividness, (of colour) terang(nya); 4. splendour, magnificence, kegemilangan: the ~ of the royal procession, kegemilangan perarakan diraja; 5. excellence, kecemerlangan: the ~ of his ideas, kecemerlangan idea-ideanya: his ~ at mathematics, kecemerlangannya dlm ilmu matematik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
contrivance | n 1. act, faculty of contriving, ikhtiar, usaha; 2. inventive ability, ingenuity, kebolehan (mencipta): such things are still beyond human ~, perkara spt itu adalah di luar kebolehan manusia; 3. device, alat: a ~ which mechanically polishes shoes, alat yg dapat menggilap kasut secara mekanik; 4. artful scheme, helah: a ~ to mislead the police in their investigations, suatu helah utk mengelirukan polis dlm siasatan mereka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |