swill | 2. guzzle, menggogok: they spent a couple of hours ~ing beer and swapping stories, mereka menghabiskan beberapa jam menggogok bir dan bertukar-tukar cerita; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
swill | vi drink liquor in large quantities, menggogok arak: his wife complained that he was always ~ing in bars, isterinya merungut bahawa dia selalu menggogok arak di bar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gulp | vt 1. often ~ down, swallow hastily, a. (liquid etc) menggogok: he was so thirsty that he ~ed down three glasses of water, dia begitu dahaga hingga dia menggogok tiga gelas air; b. (solid) menelan saja: he ~ed down his breakfast and ran off to play, dia menelan saja sarapannya lalu berlari keluar utk bermain; 2. also ~ in, breathe in (air) deeply and quickly, terngap-ngap mengambil [nafas]: I saw him come up to the surface a couple of times to ~ in air, saya nampak dia naik ke permukaan air beberapa kali terngap-ngap mengambil nafas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
potation | n (fml or jocular) 1. act of drinking, menggogok; 2. alcoholic drink, minuman keras. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
guzzle | vt (colloq), (eat greedily) makan [sst] dg gelojoh, melahap, mencaruk; (drink greedily) menggogok, menggelogok: the hungry man ~d his food, lelaki yg lapar itu melahap makanannya; he ~d several glasses of beer, dia menggelogok beberapa gelas bir. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
toss | ~ st off, a. write easily and quickly, tulis cepat(-cepat): can you ~ off a story or two for the magazine?, bolehkah kamu tulis cepat-cepat satu atau dua cerita utk majalah itu?; b. (colloq) drink quickly, menggogok: he ~ed the rest of the beer, dia menggogok bir yg selebihnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
draught | n 1. current of air coming into a room etc, angin (sejuk): they shut the door to keep the ~ from coming in, mereka menutup pintu supaya angin tdk dapat masuk; 2. continuous process of swallowing (liquid) meminum, menggogok; at a ~, sekali gogok: he could drink a tall glass of beer at a ~, dia boleh menghabiskan segelas besar bir sekali gogok; take a ~, meminum, menggogok; 3. portion of liquid to be swallowed, [not translated]: he gave the horse a ~ of water, dia memberi kuda itu air; 4. (fml or old-fashioned) dose of liquid medicine, ubat; 5. (naut) drauf; 6. (in pl), (game) permainan dam; 7. one of the flat discs used in this game, buah dam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
swig | n (colloq) teguk, gogok: after a few ~s at the bottle he began to feel a little tipsy, setelah meminum beberapa teguk dr botol itu dia mula berasa pening-pening lalat; take a long ~ of st, menggogok sst; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
done | adj 1. completed, finished, (sudah) selesai: my work is ~, kerja saya sudah selesai; 2. cooked, sudah masak; ~ to a turn, well ~, cukup masak; 3. socially acceptable, sopan, beradab: it’s not ~ to gulp down your drink, adalah tdk beradab utk menggogok minuman; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |