incise | vt 1. make an incision in, membuat insisi; 2. engrave, menggores: they ~d their names on the rock, mereka menggores nama mereka pd batu itu; the design is first ~d on a metal plate, corak itu mula-mula digores pd plat logam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
etch | vt 1. cut (design) on metal plate etc using acid, menggores: he ~ed the design onto the plate, dia menggores corak ke atas plat itu; 2. (usu pass.), (fig.) imprint, terukir: the events of last summer will remain ~ed on my memory, peristiwa-peristiwa musim panas yg lalu akan terukir selama-lamanya dlm ingatan saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gouge | ~ st out, force or dig st out, (eyes) /mencungkil, mengorek/ sst; (channel, groove) mengorek sst; (initial) menggores sst: he ~d out his opponent’s eyes, dia mencungkil mata lawannya; a large machine was used to ~ out a channel for the water to run along, sebuah jentera besar digunakan utk mengorek terusan supaya air dapat mengalir; the lovers ~d out their names on the cave wall, pasangan kekasih itu menggores parap mereka pd dinding gua tersebut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |