Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[meng.gun.ting] | مڠݢونتيڠ

Definisi : 1. memotong dgn gunting,memangkas (rambut dll); 2. Id menipu,mencatut;~ hati menyakitkan hati orang; ~ dlm lipatan prb membinasakan sahabat (bangsa dll)sendiri; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[meng.gun.ting] | مڠݢونتيڠ

Definisi : 1 memotong dgn menggunakan gunting: Kakak sedang ~ baju di rumah. 2 ki mengenakan tipu daya; menipu. ~ hati menyakiti hati. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata menggunting


Orang darat menggunting jubah,
     Jubah digunting berwarna kelabu;
Hatilah saya tidak berubah,
     Hati tuan saya tak tahu.

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Jika pandai menggunting,
     hendaklah pandai menjahitnya.

Bermaksud :

Sesuatu pekerjaan yang sudah dimulai janganlah dibiarkan terbengkalai.


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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

clip 2vt 1. trim with scissors or sharp instrument, a. (hair, hedge, etc) menggunting, memangkas; b. (wool, close-cropped hair) mengetam; c. (nails) mengetip; 2. cut from newspaper etc, menggunting, memotong: he ~ped the news item from yesterday’s papers, dia menggunting berita itu dr surat khabar semalam; 3. punch hole in, mengetik: the conductor forgot to ~ my ticket, konduktor itu terlupa mengetik tiket saya; 4. (colloq) hit sharply, menumbuk;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
cropvt 1. cut off, a. (person’s hair), /menggunting, memotong/ pendek; b. (horse’s tail) mengontotkan, mengompotkan; c. (grass, lawn, hedge) memotong, memangkas; 2. (of animals) eat off tops of grass etc, meragut, memakan: the sheep ~ped the grass short, kambing biri-biri meragut rumput sehingga pendek; 3. plant, menanami (dgn + approp n): to ~ a field with barley, menanami ladang dgn barli; he decided not to ~ the remaining twenty hectares, dia membuat keputusan tdk akan menanami baki tanah sebanyak dua puluh hektar lagi (dgn kelapa sawit);Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
cutvi 1. make an incision, (with knife) memotong, mengerat; (with razor) mencukur; (with scissors) menggunting, memotong; (with axe) mengapak; 2. wound, (dapat) melukai: the lash ~s like a knife, cambuk ini melukai spt pisau; 3. (of wind) mengilukan: the icy wind ~s keenly, angin yg sejuk itu sangat mengilukan; 4. cross, bersilang: the two lines ~ at point P, dua garisan itu bersilang pd titik P; 5. be separated into parts by edged instrument, dipotong, dikerat, dihiris: cheese ~s easily, keju mudah dipotong; 6. (in filming) berhenti: the director shouted, “cut!”, “Berhenti!” teriak pengarah itu; 7. (of cloth) dipotong, digunting: this cloth ~s smoothly, kain ini mudah dipotong; 8. swerve, memotong: the winger suddenly ~ to the left, pemain sayap itu memotong ke kiri dgn tiba-tiba;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
clip 2n 1. act of trimming with scissors or sharp instrument, a. (hair, hedge, etc) menggunting, memangkas; b. (wool, close-cropped hair) mengetam; c. (nails) mengetip; 2. short extract, a. (from film) sedutan (filem); b. (from newspaper) /guntingan, potongan, keratan/ akhbar; 3. (of wool) hasil ketaman bulu biri-biri;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
framen 1. case, border enclosing picture, door, etc, bingkai: the thieves clumsily cut the picture out of the ~, pencuri-pencuri itu dgn cemerkap menggunting gambar-gambar dr bingkainya; a window ~, bingkai tingkap; a pair of spectacles with metal ~s, kaca mata berbingkai logam; 2. skeleton (of building, ship, etc) rangka: the ~ of the building is already finished, rangka bangunan itu sudah siap; the car has a strong ~, rangka kereta itu kuat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
cut~ out, a. stop functioning, rosak: the aircraft’s engines ~ out, enjin kapal terbang itu rosak; b. (usu in pass.) be suitable for, sesuai; ~ st out, a. remove st by cutting, /memotong, menggunting/ sst: to ~ out articles from newspapers, memotong rencana drpd surat khabar; b. shape st by cutting, /memotong, menggunting/ sst: to ~ out animal shapes, memotong bentuk-bentuk binatang; c. omit st, /memotong, mengeluarkan/ sst: to ~ out irrelevant sentences, memotong ayat-ayat yg tdk berkenaan; d. stop taking st, berhenti /makan, minum/ sst: to ~ out salt, berhenti makan garam; e. stop playing st, berhenti bermain sst: he is forced to ~ out golf, dia terpaksa berhenti bermain golf; ~ so. out, memotong peluang sso;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
cut4. trim, memotong, mengerat: to ~ the grass, memotong rumput; to ~ o’s nails, memotong kuku; to ~ o’s hair, memotong rambut; 5. sever, memutuskan: to ~ the moorings, memutuskan tali tambatan; 6. make, shape with sharp instrument, a. (garment) memotong, menggunting; b. (notch, foothold, etc) menakik; c. (name, initial) mengukir, menggoreskan: he ~ his name on the rock, dia menggoreskan namanya pd batu itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
cutb. (by splitting, halving) membelah: to ~ wood, membelah kayu; to ~ the apples into halves, membelah dua epal-epal itu; c. (by slicing) menghiris: ~ the onions and fry until golden brown, hiris bawang dan goreng hingga kuning; d. (with scissors) memotong, menggunting: to ~ velvet, memotong kain baldu; e. (with saw) menggergaji; f. (with axe) mengapak; 3. also ~ down, fell, menebang: to ~ the old rubber trees, menebang pokok getah tua;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
cropn 1. agricultural produce, tanaman: ~ failure, tanaman tdk menjadi; seasonal ~, tanaman bermusim; 2. harvest, hasil (tanaman): the fruit ~ failed because of bad weather, hasil buah-buahan tdk menjadi krn cuaca buruk; 3. batch, bunch, a. (of people) kumpulan: the 1949 ~ of graduates, kumpulan siswazah tahun 1949; b. (of things, including abstract nouns), [various translations]: this month’s ~ of bills, bil-bil bulan ini; he has an awful ~ of pimples, mukanya penuh dgn jerawat; they told me a ~ of lies, mereka berbohong kpd saya; she has a fine ~ of hair, rambutnya lebat; 4. (handle of) whip, tangkai /cemeti, cambuk/; 5. short whip, cemeti, cambuk; 6. pouch in gullet of bird, tembolok; 7. short haircut, potongan pendek; give so. a close ~, /menggunting, memotong/ pendek rambut sso;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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