attend | vt 1. be present at, menghadiri, hadir di; (classes, lectures) mengikuti, menghadiri: to ~ a seminar, menghadiri seminar; his lectures were well ~ed, banyak orang yg mengikuti kuliahnya; 2. go to, pergi ke, ke: my brother will not be ~ing school today, adik saya tdk akan pergi ke sekolah hari ini; to ~ church, pergi ke gereja; 3. study at, belajar di: she ~ed a boarding school, dia belajar di sekolah berasrama; 4. look after, menjaga; (by doctor, nurse, etc) merawat: to ~ the poor, menjaga orang-orang miskin; he was ~ed by an experienced doctor, dia dirawat oleh seorang doktor yg berpengalaman; 5. accompany, menyertai: success at last ~ed our efforts, kejayaan akhirnya menyertai usaha kami; 6. escort, accompany, mengiringi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
honour | do so. ~, a. pay homage to so., memberi penghormatan kpd sso: heads of state attended the emperor’s funeral to do him ~, ketua-ketua negara menghadiri upacara pengebumian maharaja sbg penghormatan kpd baginda; b. cause others to respect so., menyebabkan sso /dihormati, dipandang mulia/; do so. the ~ of, sudi; (of royalty) berkenan bercemar duli; (in request) sudikah: she did us the ~ of attending the show’s opening night, dia telah sudi menghadiri malam pembukaan pertunjukan itu; will you do me the ~ of dancing with me?, sudikah puan menari dgn saya?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ceremony | n 1. ceremonial function, upacara, istiadat: to attend the inauguration ~, menghadiri upacara pelantikan itu; 2. all special rites, observances on particular occasions, adat istiadat, upacara: crowned with all due ~, telah dimahkotai dgn segala adat istiadat yg selayaknya; 3. formal politeness, beradat-adat, berasmi-rasmi: no necessity for ~ between friends, tdk perlu beradat-adat sesama kawan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
interview | n 1. formal discussion (between applicant for a job, scholarship, etc and employer etc) temu duga: 60 applicants turned up for the ~, 60 pemohon datang utk menghadiri temu duga itu; 2. conversation between journalist and person whose views are sought, temu bual, temu ramah, wawancara; (in published form) wawancara; (press conference) sidang akhbar: The Vice-Chancellor said in an ~ that..., dlm temu bual itu, Naib Canselor berkata bahawa...; the President invited the press to an ~, Presiden tersebut menjemput para wartawan menghadiri sidang akhbar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
incumbent | adj (fml) obligatory, kewajipan, wajib: it is ~ on you to attend the meeting, kamu wajib menghadiri mesyuarat itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disaffected | adj tdk puas hati: the ~ members did not attend the meeting, ahli-ahli yg tdk puas hati itu tdk menghadiri mesyuarat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cup | o’s ~ of tea, (colloq) sso suka: going to parties is not my ~ of tea, saya tdk suka menghadiri majlis tari-menari; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
advisedly | adv setelah berfikir /dalam-dalam, masak-masak, panjang/: he stayed away from the meeting ~ , setelah berfikir dalam-dalam dia tdk menghadiri pertemuan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
doll | vi; ~ up, (colloq) melaram: the womenfolk would usually ~ up for the festivities, kaum wanita selalunya melaram utk menghadiri pesta-pesta; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
advise | vt 1. counsel, menasihati, menasihatkan: he ~d his son to attend lectures regularly, dia menasihati anak lelakinya supaya selalu menghadiri kuliah; the doctor ~d complete rest, doktor menasihati saya supaya berehat sepenuhnya; 2. inform, notify, memberitahu, memaklumkan [sst] kpd: we will ~ you of any change of plan, kami akan memberitahu tuan ttg sebarang perubahan rancangan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |