commit | b. (usu pass.) consign officially (to) memasukkan: the doctor ~ted the patient to a mental institution, doktor memasukkan pesakit itu ke hospital sakit jiwa; ~ so’s body to the /earth, ground/, mengebumikan sso; ~ so. to prison, memenjarakan sso; ~ st to the /fire, flames/, membakar sst; ~ st to memory, menghafaz sst: he ~ted the poem to memory, dia menghafaz sajak itu; ~ st to /paper, writing/, menulis sst; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hardness | n 1. firmness, kekerasan; (of muscles, body, etc) kepejalan, kekerasan: the ~ of his muscles, kekerasan otot-ototnya; 2. forcefulness, kuatnya; 3. quality of being difficult, sukarnya, susahnya, kesukaran: the ~ of memorizing French verbs, kesukaran menghafaz kata kerja bahasa Perancis; 4. difficulty of endurance, kesusahan: the ~ of life in the outback, kesusahan hidup di kawasan pedalaman; 5. severity, teruknya; 6. (of voice) kekerasan; 7. (of water) keliatan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
concentration | n 1. act of focussing, penumpuan: power of ~, daya penumpuan; the ~ of industrial development around the capital city, penumpuan pembangunan perindustrian di sekitar ibu negeri itu; 2. accumulation, tumpuan: the increasing ~ of power in the politburo, tumpuan kuasa yg semakin bertambah pd politburo; 3. focussing of mental activities, daya penumpuan: memorising o’s lines requires great ~, menghafaz skrip memerlukan daya penumpuan yg tinggi; 4. (tech) kepekatan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
get | cause so. to escape punishment, dapat melepaskan sso (drpd hukuman): his lawyer got him off with a three-day sentence, peguamnya berjaya melepaskannya dan dia hanya dikenakan hukuman penjara selama tiga hari; ~ st off, a. remove st, /menanggalkan, melucutkan, membuka/ sst: he got his boots off before going in, dia menanggalkan kasut butnya sebelum masuk; I can’t ~ this lid off, saya tdk dapat menanggalkan tutup ini; she had difficulty in ~ting the ring off her finger, sukar baginya utk melucutkan cincin itu dr jarinya; ~ o’s feet off st, menurunkan kaki sso dr sst: he was told to ~ his feet off the table, dia disuruh menurunkan kakinya dr meja itu; ~ so’s hand off (so.) jangan pegang (sso): ~ your hands off!, jangan pegang!; b. cause st to be posted or sent, /menghantar, mengirim/ sst: I must ~ these letters off to her right away, saya mesti menghantar surat-surat ini kepadanya sekarang juga; ~ st off by heart, menghafaz sst; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |