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hala (kata nama)
Bersinonim dengan arah, haluan, tuju, hadap, tala, tepas, paran;,
Kata Terbitan : berhala, menghala, menghalakan,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

heavenward(s)adv menghala ke langit: she stretched out her arms ~, dia mengangkat tangannya menghala ke langit.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
lead 1 3. form a means of access to, menuju, menghala: that gate ~s into the field, pintu pagar itu menghala ke padang; 4. be first or ahead in sports or games, mendahului yg lain: he led from start to finish, dia mendahului yg lain dr mula hingga akhir; 5. take control, head, memimpin; (in dancing) memulakan langkah: she doesn’t enjoy taking orders but always likes to ~, dia tdk suka diperintah tetapi suka memimpin; the man usually ~s in ballroom dancing, semasa berdansa, lelakilah selalunya yg memulakan langkah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
directionn 1. point towards which person or thing moves or faces, arah, hala: the wind blew in a south-west ~, angin bertiup ke arah barat daya; the crowd scattered in all ~s, orang ramai bertempiaran ke semua arah; ~ of flow, arah aliran; have a /good, poor/ sense of ~, /pandai, tdk pandai/ /menuju arah, mencari jalan/; in the ~ of, menghala ke: they drove in the ~ of Paris, mereka memandu menghala ke Paris; 2. order, arahan: stage ~, arahan pentas;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
go~ to, a. move, travel towards, (pergi) ke: they’re ~ing to Canada, mereka akan pergi ke Kanada; b. (of road), /menuju, menghala/ ke: this road ~es to the town centre, jalan ini menuju ke pusat bandar; c. attend, menghadiri; (school, university, etc) masuk: he went to his friend’s funeral, dia menghadiri upacara pengebumian kawannya; all his children went to university, semua anaknya masuk universiti; d. be given to, jatuh ke tangan; (of a prize) jatuh kpd, dimenangi oleh:Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
landn 1. solid surface of the earth, darat: they reached ~ after three weeks at sea, mereka sampai ke darat selepas tiga minggu di laut; a journey by ~, perjalanan melalui darat; an animal that lives on ~ as well as in the sea, binatang yg hidup di darat dan juga di laut; 2. expanse of country, daratan: the ~ to the north is covered with forest, daratan yg menghala ke utara dilitupi hutan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
aspectn 1. appearance to the eye, aspek: the physical ~ of the country, aspek fizikal negeri itu; 2. facet, phase, aspek, segi: other ~s of the employment conditions should also be considered, aspek-aspek lain ttg keadaan pekerjaan hendaklah dipertimbangkan juga; 3. way in which st may be considered, aspek, segi: to study the problem from various ~s, mengkaji masalah itu dr berbagai-bagai aspek; 4. facial expression, mien, wajah, roman, air muka, rupa, paras: a man with a gentle ~, seorang lelaki yg berwajah lembut; 5. position facing particular direction, /menghadap, mengarah, menghala/ ke: the block of flats has a northern ~, blok rumah pangsa itu menghadap ke utara; 6. side facing particular direction, bahagian: the dorsal ~ of a fish, bahagian dorsal ikan; 7. (gram.) aspek.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bring4. lead, menuju, menghala: the footpath ~s you to a jungle clearing, lorong kecil itu menuju ke cerang di hutan; 5. introduce, memperkenalkan: the people responsible for ~ing the hydroponic method of cultivation to Malaysia, orang-orang yg bertanggungjawab memperkenalkan kaedah penanaman hidroponik di Malaysia; 6. cause to experience, happen, etc as a consequence, membawa; (shame) membawa, mendatangkan; (of effect of drug) memberikan: he brought honour to his family by his heroism, dia membawa kehormatan kpd keluarganya krn kewiraannya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
go7. be expressed, a. (of song) berbunyi: the song ~es like this, lagu itu berbunyi begini; b. (of story) mengikut, menurut: he was the black sheep of the family, so the story ~es, menurut cerita dia kambing hitam dlm keluarganya; 8. lead in the direction of, menuju, menghala: this road ~es to the town centre, jalan ini menuju ke pusat bandar; 9. disappear, hilang; (of hope) lenyap: my headache has ~ne, sakit kepala saya sudah hilang; 10. be used up, habis: our food reserves are ~ne, bekalan makanan kita sudah habis;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
lead 1 vi 1. go in front esp to direct so. or st, a. (by walking) berjalan di hadapan: Mary led and I followed down the winding path, Mary berjalan di hadapan dan saya mengikutnya di jalan yg berbelok-belok itu; b. (by running) berlari di hadapan; c. (in vehicle) di hadapan: the jeep led most of the way, jip itu hampir sepanjang perjalanan berada di hadapan; 2. be or form a way, menuju, menghala: this road ~s to the village, jalan ini menuju ke kampung itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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