deliver | vt 1. distribute (letters, groceries, etc) menghantar: to ~ parcels for a department store, menghantar bungkusan utk sebuah gedung serbanika; 2. rescue, liberate, menyelamatkan, membebaskan: to ~ so. from captivity, menyelamatkan sso drpd tawanan; 3. present, menyampaikan, memberikan: to ~ a speech, menyampaikan ucapan; 4. hand over, surrender, often ~ /up, over/, menyerahkan: they were made to ~ over their revolvers, mereka dipaksa menyerahkan pistol mereka; to ~ up a village to the enemy, menyerahkan kampung kpd pihak musuh; 5. send forth, a. (ball) membaling, menghantar; b. (blow etc) memberikan: to ~ a series of punches, memberikan tumbukan yg bertubi-tubi; 6. help in the birth of, menyambut: to ~ a baby, menyambut bayi yg baru lahir; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dispatch | vt 1. send off, menghantar, mengirim: to ~ supplies to the flood-stricken area, menghantar bekalan ke kawasan yg dilanda banjir; a letter was ~ed to the head office, sepucuk surat dikirim ke ibu pejabat; 2. deal with promptly, menyelesaikan [sst] dgn segera: the committee intended to ~ the routine business first, jawatankuasa itu merancang utk menyelesaikan urusan-urusan yg rutin dahulu; 3. (colloq) eat up quickly, menghabiskan dgn cepat; 4. (old-fashioned) put to death, membunuh: he had to ~ the wounded animal, dia terpaksa membunuh binatang yg cedera itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bill1 | vt 1. (send bill to) menghantar bil kpd; (charge so. for st by bill) mengenakan bayaran: the company will ~ you later, syarikat kami akan menghantar bil kpd tuan kemudian; he was ~ed for the goods, dia dikenakan bayaran utk barang-barang itu; 2. make a bill, membuat bil: to ~ the monthly purchases, membuat bil utk belian setiap bulan; 3. advertise by bills, mengiklankan (pd pelekat): he was ~ed to appear in “Hamlet”, dia diiklankan (pd pelekat) utk berlakon dlm “Hamlet”; 4. schedule on a programme, menjadualkan: the company ~ed the concert for a week, syarikat tersebut menjadualkan konsert itu berlangsung selama seminggu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forward | vt 1. send (letter etc) to a new address, /menghantar(kan), mengirim(kan)/ (semula): please ~ my mail to my new address, tolong hantarkan semula surat-surat saya ke alamat baru; 2. dispatch, menghantar(kan), mengirim(kan): the goods will be ~ed soon, barang-barang itu akan dihantar tdk lama lagi; 3. further, advance, memajukan: he did all he could to ~ his own interests, dia melakukan apa saja yg boleh utk memajukan kepentingannya sendiri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
delivery | d. (sending forth ball etc) menghantar; 2. periodical performance of distributing letters etc, serahan: he makes two deliveries daily, dia membuat serahan dua kali sehari; 3. manner of speaking, penyampaian: the content of his lecture was good but his ~ was pathetic, isi syarahannya baik tetapi penyampaiannya mengecewakan; 4. (leg.) handing over, transferring of property, deed, etc, menghantar serah; 5. (sport) manner of sending forth ball etc, hantaran, balingan: a fast ~, hantaran yg pantas; a high ~, hantaran yg tinggi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
invoice | vt menghantar invois kpd: we have not been ~d for the carpets yet, invois utk permaidani itu belum dihantar lagi kpd kami. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
airmail | vt /menghantar, mengirimkan/ [sst] melalui mel udara. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drive | vt 1. operate, control, memandu: she usually ~s a Proton Saga, dia biasanya memandu kereta Proton Saga; 2. transport in vehicle, menghantar [sso] (dgn + approp n): he drove us to the railway station, dia menghantar kami dgn kereta ke stesen kereta api; 3. urge, direct (animal) menggiring: to ~ a herd of cattle through the gate, menggiring sekawan lembu keluar melalui pintu pagar; 4. force, thrust, [various translations]: he drove his sword through his heart, dia menikamkan pedangnya menembusi jantungnya; he drove the nail into the plank, dia menukul paku ke dlm papan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
invalid 1 | vt; ~ so. home, menghantar sso pulang: he was ~ed home after being shot in the leg, dia dihantar pulang selepas kena tembak di kakinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
issue | vt 1. send out officially, put into circulation, mengeluarkan; (invitation) menghantar: these new orders were ~d yesterday, perintah baru ini dikeluarkan semalam; a warrant for his arrest has been ~d, waran penangkapannya telah dikeluarkan; to ~ a press release, mengeluarkan siaran akhbar; a commemorative stamp will be ~d to mark the hundredth anniversary of the revolution, setem kenang-kenangan akan dikeluarkan utk memperingati ulang tahun keseratus revolusi tersebut; to ~ new banknotes, mengeluarkan wang kertas baru bank; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |