dash | ~ over, menghempas melewati: a big wave ~ed over the sea-wall, ombak besar menghempas melewati tembok laut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
billow | n 1. large sea wave, gelombang (besar), ombak besar: the huge ~ dashed against the rock, gelombang besar menghempas ke batu; 2. swelling mass, kepulan, gumpalan: ~s of smoke, kepulan-kepulan asap; 3. (poet.) sea, samudera: afloat on the ~s, terapung-apung di samudera; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beat | ~ against, a. (of rain) memukul(i); (if heavy) mencurah-curah memukul(i): the heavy rain was ~ing against the window panes, hujan lebat mencurah-curah memukuli kaca tingkap; b. (of waves) memukul(i), melanda, /menghempas, mendampar, membanting/ ke, membalun: the waves ~ against the shore, ombak menghempas ke pantai; ~ st against, memukulkan, memukul-mukulkan sst /ke, pd /: he tried to remove the dirt by ~ing the sack against the wall, dia mencuba membuang habuk dr karung itu dgn memukul-mukulkannya ke dinding; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lash1 | vt 1. beat (so., st) with a whip, menyebat, mencambuk: he ~ed the horse across its back, dia menyebat belakang kuda itu; 2. move forcefully, frequently, melibaskan: the lion ~ed its tail angrily, singa itu melibaskan ekornya dgn marah; 3. often ~ against, ~ at, beat, hit violently, menghempas-hempas, memukul-mukul: the waves ~ed the rocks, ombak menghempas-hempas batu; the rain was ~ing against the window, hujan sedang menghempas-hempas daun jendela; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
doom | n 1. death, ajal, maut: as the waves crashed about the boat, she knew that she would meet her ~ in the stormy sea, apabila gelombang menghempas bot itu, dia tahu bahawa dia akan menemui ajalnya dlm laut yg bergelora itu; 2. terrible fate, nasib /celaka, malang/, malapetaka: the seers who spoke of the approaching ~, peramal yg mengatakan nasib malang yg hampir tiba; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dash | ~ against, a. (of car, boat, etc) melanggar: the raft ~ed against the rocks, rakit itu melanggar batu; b. (of heavy sea, breaker, etc), /membanting,menghempas/ ke; ~ /so., st/ against, see vt (sense v 1.); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
break | 10. also ~ down (of health etc) rosak: her health broke down under the strain, kesihatannya rosak akibat tekanan itu; 11. (ref to natural phenomena) a. (of fine weather) become bad, menjadi buruk: after three fine days the weather broke, sesudah tiga hari baik, cuaca menjadi buruk; b. (of storm) begin, mula membadai: the storm broke, ribut mula membadai; c. (of waves) menghempas [ke], memecah [di]: the crash of the waves ~ing against the rocks, bunyi pukulan ombak yg menghempas ke batu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |