deck | vt also ~ out, 1. decorate, menghias(i), memperhias: to ~ a hall with balloons, menghias dewan dgn belon-belon; to ~ the streets with banners, menghias jalan-jalan raya dgn panji-panji; 2. dress up, (act.) menghias; (pass.) menghias diri, berhias: they were ~ed in their finest clothes, mereka menghias diri dgn pakaian yg indah-indah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
garnish | vt menghias: she ~ed the fish with parsley, dia menghias ikan itu dgn daun parsli. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
decorate | vt 1. adorn, menghias(i): to ~ a church with flowers, menghias gereja dgn bunga; the border of the material was ~d with flower motifs, bahagian tepi kain itu dihiasi motif bunga; 2. (paint) mengecat; (put wall paper on), /memasang, melekatkan/ kertas hias dinding di: the cost of decorating a house, kos mengecat rumah; 3. award mark of honour to, mengurniakan /pingat, bintang/ kpd, mengurniai [sso] /pingat, bintang/: ~d for bravery, dikurniai pingat krn keberanian. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bead | vt 1. ornament with beads, menghias dgn manik: to ~ a purse, menghias dompet dgn manik; 2. appear as small drops on (face etc) bermanik-manik pd, penuh dgn [peluh] yg bermanik-manik: his face was ~ed with sweat, mukanya penuh dgn peluh yg bermanik-manik or peluh bermanik-manik pd mukanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
embellishment | n 1. act of beautifying, penghiasan, menghias: money provided for the ~ of the building, wang yg disediakan utk menghias bangunan itu; 2. st serving to embellish, bunga-bunga: similes and metaphors as poetical ~s, kiasan dan metafora sbg bunga-bunga puisi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
decoration | n 1. act of decorating, kerja-kerja menghias(i): the ~ of the house is not yet finished, kerja-kerja menghias rumah itu belum lagi selesai; 2. st that decorates, perhiasan: Christmas ~s, perhiasan Krismas; 3. badge, medal, etc, pingat, bintang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jazz | ~ st up, (colloq), a. (party, celebration, etc) memeriahkan sst: to ~ up a party, memeriahkan majlis; b. (room etc) menghias sst: they ~ed up the room with cheap decorations, mereka menghias bilik itu dgn hiasan murah; c. (piece of music) memainkan lagu mengikut irama jaz. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
house-proud | adj suka menghias dan membersihkan rumah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fringe | vt adorn with a fringe, menghias [sst] dgn /rumbai, jumbai, umbai/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
do | ~ over, a. redecorate, menghias semula; (by painting) mengecat semula: the bathroom needs ~ing over, bilik mandi ini perlu dicat semula; b. (US) make again, membuat semula; c. (sl) attack severely, menghentam, membelasah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |