deference | n; /in, out of/ ~ to, /krn, sbg/ menghormati: in ~ to his superior, he withdrew his objection, krn menghormati ketuanya dia menarik balik bangkangannya; in ~ to his age and experience..., krn menghormati umur dan pengalamannya...; show ~ to, menghormati: he was asked to show some ~ to the minister, dia diminta menghormati paderi itu; treat so. with ~, menghormati sso; with due ~ to so., /krn, sbg/ menghormati sso. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
honour | vt 1. treat with respect, menghormati: the child had been taught to ~ his parents, budak itu telah diajar utk menghormati ibu bapanya; 2. pay tribute, homage to, a. (gen) memberi penghormatan: he was ~ed with the title of “Father of Independence”, dia diberi penghormatan dgn gelaran “Bapa Kemerdekaan”; they observed a minute’s silence to ~ the fallen heroes, mereka bertafakur selama seminit utk memberi penghormatan kpd wira-wira yg telah gugur; b. (by ruler, specif authority, organisation), /menganugerahi, mengurniai/ [sso] + approp n: a dedicated teacher who was ~ed for his services, guru yg berdedikasi yg telah dianugerahi pingat krn jasanya; 3. fulfil, keep, menghormati: it is hoped that all parties will ~ the agreement, diharapkan bahawa kesemua pihak menghormati perjanjian itu; 4. (cheque, bill) melunaskan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inspire | ~ respect in so., menyebabkan sso menghormati [sso]: his valiant attempts to save the company from bankruptcy ~d respect in his employees, percubaannya yg berani utk menyelamatkan syarikat itu drpd jatuh muflis menyebabkan pekerjanya menghormatinya; 3. produce, occasion, mengilhamkan: he alleged that the demonstrations had been ~d by the communists, dia mendakwa bahawa tunjuk perasaan itu diilhamkan oleh pihak komunis; 4. (archaic) breathe in air, menarik nafas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
esteem | vt 1. (fml) respect greatly, sangat menghormati: a man who was highly ~ed by those who had worked with him, lelaki yg sangat dihormati oleh mereka yg pernah bekerja dengannya; 2. (fml or old-fashioned) consider, menganggap: I ~ such action worthless, saya menganggap tindakan begitu tdk berguna. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
honour | give o’s word of ~, bersumpah; have the ~ of, (as request) sudikah; hold so. in great ~, sangat menghormati sso; I have the ~ to /inform, submit, etc/, dgn segala hormatnya saya /memaklumkan, membentangkan, dll/; (in) ~ bound, demi menjaga /nama baik, kehormatan, maruah/; in ~ of, sbg penghormatan sempena; (so.) sbg penghormatan kpd: the assembly was held in ~ of the King’s visit, perhimpunan itu diadakan sbg penghormatan sempena lawatan Raja; on o’s ~, on o’s trust, sso (telah) berjanji: I’m on my ~ not to reveal anything, saya telah berjanji tdk memberitahukan apa-apa; point of ~, soal /maruah, kehormatan/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
elder | n 1. (in pl) older persons, orang yg lebih tua, orang tua-tua: to respect o’s ~s, menghormati orang yg lebih tua; 2. influential person in tribe, community, orang tua-tua; (chief) ketua; 3. (in Protestant Church) pegawai gereja. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
esteem | n (fml) rasa hormat: because of what he did, he has really gone down in my ~, disebabkan perbuatannya, saya tdk lagi mempunyai rasa hormat terhadapnya; hold so. in /high, low/ ~, /sangat, tdk/menghormati: she is held in high ~ for her contributions to science, dia sangat dihormati krn sumbangannya kpd bidang sains; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cloth | n 1. material, kain: four yards of ~, empat ela kain; to polish with a soft ~, menggilap dgn kain lembut;2. the clergy, golongan paderi: to show respect for the ~, menghormati golongan paderi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
due | ~ for st, layak diberi sst: he is ~ for a promotion, dia layak diberi kenaikan pangkat; give credit where credit’s ~, memberikan penghargaan pd tempatnya; in ~ course, apabila tiba masanya: the results will be made known in ~ course, keputusan akan diberitahu apabila tiba masanya; with ~ respect, saya menghormati [pendapat sso] tetapi: with ~ respect to my colleague, I feel that the figures quoted are inaccurate, saya menghormati pendapat rakan saya, tetapi saya rasa angka yg diberikan tdk tepat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
irreverent | adj 1. (of person) tdk hormat; (attrib) bersikap tdk hormat: it is generally considered ~ to enter a mosque wearing a dress, pd umumnya dianggap tdk hormat memasuki masjid dgn memakai baju gaun; I don’t think he meant to be ~, saya tdk fikir dia bermaksud bersikap tdk hormat; ~ young people who poke fun at many things, anak-anak muda yg bersikap tdk hormat dan mempersendakan banyak perkara; 2. showing, characterized by lack of respect for important people, institution, menunjukkan sikap tdk /hormat thdp, menghormati/; (of attitude) tdk /hormat thdp, menghormati/: he made a number of ~ comments about the prince, dia membuat beberapa komen yg menunjukkan sikap tdk hormat kpd putera itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |