Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[] | مڠهوبوڠي

Definisi : 1. membuat perhubungan dgn seseorang utk memberitahu sesuatu (mela­lui surat, telefon, atau pergi sendiri mendapat­kannya): ejen-ejen polis rahsia akan terus ~nya lagi; perbicaraan ditangguhkan se­hing­ga saksi penting dapat dihubungi polis; 2. menjadi sambungan kpd sesuatu, mengikuti, me­nuruti, menyambut (dgn): kata-kata itu di­hubungi dgn ketawa; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[] | مڠهوبوڠي

Definisi : mengadakan pertemuan dll dgn; pergi menemui (utk memberitahu dll): Pihak polis telah ~nya petang semalam. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

contactvt menghubungi: I shall ~ you as soon as I arrive, saya akan menghubungi kamu sebaik saja saya tiba; we’ll ~ you by telephone, kami akan menghubungi kamu melalui telefon.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
establishb. make arrangements to speak (to so.) through wireless etc, menghubungi: due to some mechanical fault they were unable to ~ radio contact with the ship, disebabkan kerosakan mekanik mereka tdk dpt menghubungi kapal itu melalui radio; 2. (determine) memastikan; (prove) membuktikan: we have so far been unable to ~ where he was at the time, setakat ini kami tdk dapat memastikan di mana dia berada pd masa itu; an inquest was held to ~ the cause of death, satu inkues diadakan utk memastikan sebab kematian; it has been ~ed that the accused knew about her husband’s illegal dealings, telah dibuktikan bahawa yg tertuduh tahu ttg urusan haram suaminya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hold 1 get ~ of, a. contact, menghubungi: I must get ~ of her today, saya mesti menghubunginya hari ini; b. find, acquire, mendapatkan; (idea, information, impression) mendapat: the book is out of print and hard to get ~ of, buku itu tdk dicetak lagi dan sukar utk mendapatkannya; I don’t know how he got ~ of the impression that we were rich people, saya tdk tahu bagaimana dia mendapat gambaran bahawa kami orang kaya; c. understand, memahami: once you get ~ of the general concept, the rest is easy, apabila kamu telah memahami konsep umum, yg lainnya mudah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
get~ onto so., a. communicate with so. (often by telephone) menghubungi sso: he is the person you’ll have to ~ onto about this, dialah orang yg perlu saudara hubungi ttg perkara ini; b. realise, discover so’s illegal activity or wrongdoing, mendapat tahu ttg kegiatan sso: until the police got onto him, no one knew about his criminal activities, sehingga pihak polis mendapat tahu ttg kegiatan jenayahnya, tdk ada sesiapa pun yg tahu ttg perkara itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
course~ of action, tindakan: to take a certain ~ of action, mengambil tindakan tertentu; as a matter of ~, sudah menjadi satu kelaziman; in due ~, apabila tiba /waktunya, masanya/: we will communicate with you in due ~, kami akan menghubungi anda apabila tiba waktunya; in the ~ of, a. (a year, a week, etc) dlm masa (setahun, seminggu, dll); b. (conversation, discussion, etc) semasa [perbualan, perbincangan, dsb]; in the ~ of construction, dlm proses pembinaan; in the ~ of time, lama-kelamaan, lambat-laun: in the ~ of time he became a famous painter, lama-kelamaan dia menjadi pelukis terkenal;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
it2. (anticipatory to or following clause), [not translated]: I think ~ was from here that we began our climb, saya rasa dr sinilah kita mula mendaki; we consider ~ strange that you haven’t contacted us till now, kami rasa ganjil hanya baru sekarang ini saudara hendak menghubungi kami; he said that ~ was in 1983 that he first visited Egypt, dia berkata bahawa kali pertama dia mengunjungi Mesir adalah dlm tahun 1983; ~ is not necessary for everything to be written down, tdk perlu menulis kesemuanya; does ~ matter which of them gets the job?, mustahakkah siapa antara mereka yg mendapat kerja itu?;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
get~ through, a. enter through (gap, crevice, hole, door, entrance, etc) masuk melalui: the snake got through a crevice in the wall, ular itu masuk melalui rekahan pd dinding; b. be approved by Parliament, diluluskan: we have no doubt that the bill will ~ through, kami tdk ragu-ragu bahawa rang undang-undang itu akan diluluskan; c. contact (by telephone, radio) menghubungi /sso, sst/: I tried several times but could not ~ through, saya mencuba beberapa kali tetapi tdk dapat menghubunginya; d. reach so., sampai, tiba: a message just got through, berita baru saja sampai;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
get~ through to, a. (of supplies, reinforcements, message, etc) arrive, sampai kpd: the goods eventually got through to her after having been sent to the wrong address, barang-barang itu akhirnya sampai kepadanya setelah dihantar ke alamat yg salah; your message did ~ through to me, pesan kamu sampai kpd saya; b. (of person) succeed in reaching, dapat sampai ke tempat: the rescuers got through to the trapped miners, pasukan penyelamat dapat sampai ke lohong tempat pekerja-pekerja lombong itu terperangkap; c. contact by telephone, radio, etc, menghubungi: I couldn’t ~ through to him because his telephone is out of order, saya tdk dapat menghubunginya krn telefonnya rosak; d. make (so.) listen to or understand what one is saying, membuat [sso] faham: he’s so pig-headed that there’s no ~ting through to him, dia begitu keras kepala sehingga tdk mungkin kami dapat membuat dia faham;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
anybody4. any single person, sesiapa (pun), siapa-siapa (pun), seorang pun: he refused to speak to ~, dia tdk mahu bercakap dgn sesiapa; she does not know ~, seorang pun tdk dikenalnya; he does not care for ~ but himself, sesiapa pun tdk dipedulikannya selain dirinya sendiri; 5. any person indiscriminately, sesiapa, siapa-siapa: you can’t marry just ~, kamu tdk boleh berkahwin dgn sesiapa sahaja; 6. whoever, sesiapa (saja), siapa-siapa (saja): ~ who knows the whereabouts of this person is asked to contact the hospital, sesiapa yg mengetahui di mana orang ini berada diminta menghubungi pihak hospital; 7. person of importance, orang yg penting; (preceded by “just”) orang: he will never be ~, dia tdk akan menjadi orang yg penting; she isn’t just ~, dia bukan sebarang orang;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
accessn 1. way of approach, entry, jalan masuk; (attrib) masuk: ~ to the village, jalan masuk ke kampung itu; ~ road, jalan masuk; 2. opportunity, means, etc of approaching (so., st) or using (st), [various translations]: to demand ~ to a building, menuntut hak masuk ke sesebuah bangunan; students who are denied ~ to the library, pelajar-pelajar yg tdk diberi kesempatan menggunakan perpustakaan; the only ~ to the professor is through his secretary, satu-satunya jalan menghubungi profesor itu ialah menerusi setiausahanya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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