join | melukis garisan lurus; c. connect (towns, cities, etc) menghubungkan: the railway ~s the city to the port, jalan kereta api menghubungkan bandar tersebut dgn pelabuhan itu; 2. (of river etc) become united with, /bertemu, bercantum, bertembung/ dgn: the stream ~s the river about five miles down, anak sungai itu bertemu dgn sungai tersebut lima batu di hilir; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
connect | 4. associate, mengaitkan, menghubungkan: we always ~ France with wine, kita selalu mengaitkan Perancis dgn wain; 5. also ~ up, join to electricity, power supply, etc, menyambungkan; (of telephone) memasang; (of electricity) memasukkan: this terminal is ~ed to a dedicated server, pangkalan ini disambungkan kpd pelayan tertuju khas; our house will be ~ed to the main water supply soon, tdk lama lagi paip rumah kami akan disambungkan kpd paip utama; has the electricity been ~ed yet?, sudahkah kuasa elektrik dimasukkan?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
associate | vt 1. mentally connect, mengaitkan, menghubungkan: to ~ the arms race with superpower rivalry, mengaitkan perlumbaan senjata dgn persaingan kuasa besar; 2. bring into partnership etc, menyekutukan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
connect | vt 1. join, fasten, menyambung: once these wires are ~ed there is no reason why the telephone should not work, sebaik saja wayar-wayar itu disambung, tdk ada sebab telefon itu tdk berfungsi; 2. link, menghubungkan: the new highway ~s the two towns, lebuh raya baru itu menghubungkan kedua-dua bandar tersebut; 3. establish telephone communication with, menyambungkan: he asked to be ~ed to the chairman himself, dia meminta supaya disambungkan kpd pengerusi sendiri; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
join | vt 1. a. fasten, bring together, menyambung; (st to st, st on to st) menyambungkan; (by stitching, pinning together) mencantumkan, menyambungkan; (by gluing, cementing) mencantumkan, menautkan; (bones) bersendi, bersambung: the pipes are ~ed by a piece of wire, paip-paip itu disambung dgn wayar; he ~ed the handle to the pot with screws, dia menyambungkan tangkai pd periuk dgn skru; you’ll have to ~ another piece of material on to the skirt, kamu mesti mencantumkan sekeping kain lain pd skirt itu; the humerus is ~ed to the scapula, tulang humerus bersendi dgn tulang belikat; b. connect (two points) by a line, menghubungkan: ~ the two points by drawing a straight line, hubungkan kedua-dua titik itu dgn | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |