hail 1 | ~ down on, menghujani: arrows ~ed down on the attackers, anak-anak panah menghujani penyerang-penyerang itu; ~ st down on so., menghujankan sst kpd sso. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
greet | pandangan marah; 3. come suddenly upon, menyambut; (of a hail of fire) menghujani: the sight that ~ed us was breathtaking, pemandangan yg menyambut kami sungguh mengagumkan; a hail of fire ~ed the attackers, tembakan peluru menghujani penyerang-penyerang itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
badger | ~ with; ~ so. with questions, menyoal sso /bertubi-tubi, bertalu-talu/, menghujani (sso) dgn soalan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bombard | vt 1. attack with artillery or bomb, membedil, menembak [sst] dgn meriam: the navy ~ed the island, tentera laut membedil pulau itu; 2. assail vigorously, menghujani: the Prime Minister was ~ed with questions, Perdana Menteri dihujani pertanyaan; 3. (phys) menghentam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
assail | vt 1. attack (with blows or words) menyerang: three thugs ~ed him in the dark, tiga orang samseng menyerangnya dlm gelap; to ~ so. with harsh words, menyerang sso dgn kata-kata kesat; 2. overwhelm (with questions, etc) menghujani: as soon as he came out of the court-house he was ~ed with questions, sebaik sahaja dia keluar dari mahkamah dia dihujani soalan; 3. beset, disturb, melanda, menyerang: to be ~ed by doubts, dilanda kesangsian; 4. encounter with intention of overcoming, mastering, a. (problems, difficulty) mencuba menyelesaikan: to ~ a problem, mencuba menyelesaikan masalah; b. (task etc) melakukan: he ~ed the task with vigour, dia melakukan kerja itu dgn penuh semangat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
besiege | vt 1. lay siege to, mengepung: the town was ~d for six months, bandar itu dikepung selama enam bulan; 2. crowd round, mengerumuni: the new President was ~d by journalists, Presiden baru itu dikerumuni wartawan; football fans besieging the ticket booth, peminat-peminat bola sepak yg mengerumuni pondok tiket; 3. overwhelm (with requests etc) menghujani: the reporters ~d him with questions, pemberita-pemberita itu menghujaninya dgn pertanyaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intumescence | vt (usu pass.) 1. flood, (act.) membanjiri; (pass.) dilanda banjir: the river burst its banks and ~d the town, tebing sungai itu rebak dan airnya membanjiri bandar tersebut; the lower valley was ~d after ten hours of continuous rain, kawasan rendah lembah tersebut dilanda banjir selepas hujan turun tdk henti-henti selama sepuluh jam; 2. swamp, overwhelm, membanjiri, menghujani: the office was ~d with enquiries, pejabat itu dibanjiri pertanyaan; to be ~d with congratulatory messages, dihujani surat ucapan tahniah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |