belay | vt (naut) mengikatkan; ~ (there)!, berhenti!. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
application | d. (spreading, dabbing, putting on, etc) membubuh, menyapukan; (tourniquet) pengikatan, mengikatkan: he got some relief after the ~ of the ointment, dia berasa lega sedikit setelah membubuh salap;for external ~ only, utk disapukan sahaja; e. (devoting, employing diligently) menumpukan perhatian, bertekun: by intense ~ to his work he managed to achieve his objectives, dgn menumpukan perhatian sepenuh-penuhnya pd kerjanya dia dapat mencapai matlamatnya; f. (using in reference to so., st) penggunaan: a word of restricted ~, perkataan yg terbatas penggunaannya; 2. relevance, kaitan: the example quoted has little ~ to present circumstances, contoh yg dipetik tdk banyak kaitannya dgn keadaan sekarang; 3. verbal request, permohonan: in his ~ to the judge, semasa membuat permohonan kpd hakim; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
label | n1. tag, label: he tied the ~ to the handle of the suitcase, dia mengikatkan label pd tangkai beg pakaiannya; she stuck the ~ on the parcel, dia melekatkan label itu pd bungkusan tersebut; 2. word, phrase used as convenient generalised classification, label; (for person) mengecap, melabel: he applies the ~ “fascist” to every conservative organization, dia memberikan label “fasis” kpd setiap pertubuhan konservatif; don’t put ~s on people before you know them, jangan mengecap orang sebelum kamu mengenali mereka; 3. trademark, label: Richard Marx’s “Right Here Waiting” is on the CBS ~, lagu “Right Here Waiting” oleh Richard Marx dirakamkan di bawah label CBS; 4. (computer technology) label; 5. (chem) label; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
attachment | 4. act of attaching, a. (gen) pemasangan, memasang; b. (by gluing) menggamkan; c. (by sticking on) penampalan, menampalkan, melekatkan, menempelkan, merekatkan; d. (by tying) pengikatan, mengikatkan; e. (by connecting) penyambungan; f. (by joining) pencantuman; g. (by appending, annexing) melampirkan, mengepilkan, mengembarkan; (to a book, magazine, etc) melampirkan; h. (by suspending) penggantungan; 5. (leg.) arrest, seizure by legal authority, penahanan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bind | vt 1. fasten, secure, tie, mengikat: they bound him hand and foot, mereka mengikat kedua-dua belah tangan dan kakinya sekali; the captive was bound to a post, tawanan itu diikat pd tiang; to ~ the sticks together with a cord, mengikat batang-batang kayu itu dgn tali; ~ st fast, fasten tightly, mengikatkan sst kuat-kuat: to ~ the rope fast, mengikatkan tali itu kuat-kuat; 2. also ~ up, encircle as with a band, mengikat: she bound her hair with a ribbon, dia mengikat rambutnya dgn reben; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
apply | vt 1. put to practical use, menggunakan: new building techniques have been applied, teknik pembinaan baru telah digunakan; to ~ specialized knowledge to a task, menggunakan pengetahuan yg khusus utk membuat sst kerja; to ~ political pressure, menggunakan tekanan politik; 2. bring into close contact (eye, ear, mouth) merapatkan: he bent down and applied his eye to the keyhole, dia membongkok dan merapatkan matanya ke lubang kunci; ~ light to (st) menyuluh (sst); 3. spread, put on, membubuh; (tourniquet) mengikatkan: to ~ polish, membubuh penggilap; calamine was applied to the affected part, kalamin dibubuh pd bahagian yg sakit; to ~ a plaster to a wound, membubuh plaster pd luka; he applied a tourniquet to check the bleeding, dia mengikatkan alat penasak darah utk menahan perdarahan; ~ a bandage to (st) membalut (sst); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
attach | vt 1. fasten, fix, a. (gen) memasang: to ~ the brackets to the wall, memasang pendakap pd dinding; the hose can be ~ed to the vacuum cleaner, hos itu dapat dipasangkan pd pembersih vakum; b. (by gluing) menggamkan; c. (by sticking on) melekatkan, menampalkan, menempelkan, merekatkan: he ~ed a label to the parcel, dia melekatkan label pd bungkusan itu; d. (by tying) mengikatkan: a price tag has to be ~ed to every dress, tanda harga mesti diikatkan pd setiap baju; e. (by connecting) menyambungkan: the wires that were ~ed to the battery, wayar-wayar yg disambungkan pd bateri; f. (by joining) mencantumkan; (bones) bersendi: when you ~ the skirt to the bodice..., apabila kamu mencantumkan skirt pd badan baju...; the femur is ~ed to the pelvis, tulang femur bersendi dgn tulang pelvis; g. (by appending, annexing) melampirkan, mengepilkan, mengembarkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |