remind | vt 1. cause (so.) to remember, mengingatkan: will you ~ me to pay you the money, tolong ingatkan saya membayar wang itu kpd kamu; that ~s me, I have to see the doctor, itu mengingatkan saya utk pergi berjumpa doktor; 2. bring (so., st) to mind, (act.) mengingatkan; (pass.) teringat: the girl ~s me of her mother, gadis itu mengingatkan saya kpd ibunya; I am ~ed of the first time I met him, saya teringat kali pertama saya bertemu dengannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
reminiscent | adj 1. recalling the past, terkenang-kenangkan: he became ~ about his experiences in India, dia terkenang-kenangkan pengalamannya di India; 2. reminding of, mengingatkan sso: fashions ~ of Edwardian times, fesyen yg mengingatkan kita kpd zaman Raja Edward. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
caution | vt 1. warn and reprove, memberi amaran kpd: the judge ~ed him, hakim memberi amaran kepadanya; 2. warn (against danger, risk, etc) mengingatkan, memberi peringatan kpd: experience ~s us against such a course of action, pengalaman mengingatkan kita supaya tdk mengambil langkah spt itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
refresh | vt 1. make fresh, revive, menyegarkan: a warm bath will ~ you, mandi air suam akan menyegarkan kamu; he ~ed himself with a cool drink, dia menyegarkan dirinya dgn minuman sejuk; 2. replenish, menambahkan + approp n: let me ~ your glass, biar saya tambahkan minuman dlm gelas tuan; they entered the hut and ~ed the fire, mereka masuk ke pondok itu dan menambahkan kayu pd api; to ~ o’s memory, mengingatkan semula sst: during the lecture, he kept looking at his notes to ~ his memory, semasa dia berceramah, dia selalu sahaja melihat notanya utk mengingatkan semula butir-butir ceramahnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
warn | vt 1. make (so.) aware of (danger, harm, etc) mengingatkan: the doctor ~ed him that he should take a rest, doktor mengingatkannya supaya berehat; they were not ~ed of the danger of the whole situation, mereka tdk diingatkan ttg bahaya keseluruhan situasi itu; I ~ed him not to have anything to do with the man, saya mengingatkannya supaya tdk berurus dgn lelaki itu; 2. advise (so.) as to action, conduct, etc, memberikan amaran kpd: the chief ~ed him not to come late again, ketua memberikan amaran kepadanya supaya jangan datang lewat lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
kindle | vi 1. start to burn, bernyala: the dry wood ~d immediately, kayu kering itu bernyala dgn cepat; 2. become animated, menyala: his rage ~d at the thought, kemarahannya menyala apabila mengingatkan perkara itu | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lock 1 | ~ os up, mengurung diri, berkurung: after the divorce, she ~ed herself up and hardly spoke to anyone, setelah bercerai dia mengurung diri dan tdk mahu bercakap dgn sesiapa pun; ~ so. up, see ~ so. away; ~ st up, a. see ~ st away, (sense a.); b.close building etc, mengunci sst: she reminded her husband to ~ up the house before leaving, dia mengingatkan suaminya supaya mengunci rumah sebelum keluar; c. (usu pass.) invest money etc where it cannot be easily moved, sst terpendam: all his capital is ~ed up in the housing project, keseluruhan modalnya terpendam dlm projek perumahan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
better1 | be ~ off, a. be richer, lebih berada: they are ~ off than we are, mereka lebih berada drpd kami; b. be in more favourable circumstances, lebih baik (lagi): because of his illness, he would be ~ off in a warmer climate, oleh sebab penyakitnya itu, lebih baik dia tinggal di tempat yg lebih panas iklimnya; she’ll be ~ off in a mental asylum, dia lebih baik tingal di rumah sakit otak; go one ~ (than) mengatasi; had ~, lebih baik: I had ~ warn you, lebih baik saya mengingatkan kamu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
oath | n 1. solemn promise, sumpah; on o’s ~, (not legal) sumpah: I didn’t breathe a word to him about your plans, on my ~, sumpah, saya tdk memberitahu dia ttg rancangan kamu; be /on, under/ ~, terikat dgn sumpah: Counsel reminded the witness that she was under ~, Peguam Bela mengingatkan saksi tersebut bahawa dia terikat dgn sumpah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
isolated | adj 1. remote, set apart from others, terpencil: an ~ farmhouse, rumah ladang yg terpencil; she chose to lead an ~ life, away from the bustle of the city, dia memilih utk hidup terpencil, jauh dr kesibukan kota; 2. alone, lonely, sepi, sunyi, terasing, terpencil: as I shared neither their interests nor inclinations, I began to feel more and more ~, oleh sebab saya tdk mempunyai minat dan kecenderungan yg sama spt mereka, saya berasa semakin terasing; 3. occasional, terpencil: he quoted ~ cases of violence and cautioned the reader not to make any generalizations, dia memberikan beberapa contoh kes keganasan yg terpencil dan mengingatkan pembaca supaya tdk membuat anggapan umum. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |