cable | vt 1. send message by cable to, mengirim /kabel, kawat/ kpd: we must ~ our representative immediately, kita mesti mengirim kabel kpd wakil kita dgn segera; 2. send by cable, mengawatkan, mengirim [n] /melalui, dgn/ /kabel, kawat/: the news has been ~d to the embassy, berita itu telah dikawatkan ke kedutaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forward | vt 1. send (letter etc) to a new address, /menghantar(kan), mengirim(kan)/ (semula): please ~ my mail to my new address, tolong hantarkan semula surat-surat saya ke alamat baru; 2. dispatch, menghantar(kan), mengirim(kan): the goods will be ~ed soon, barang-barang itu akan dihantar tdk lama lagi; 3. further, advance, memajukan: he did all he could to ~ his own interests, dia melakukan apa saja yg boleh utk memajukan kepentingannya sendiri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
file1 | vt 1. also ~ away, place in a file, memfailkan: please ~ this letter, tolong failkan surat ini; 2. submit officially, mendaftarkan: he ~d an application for a patent, dia mendaftarkan permohonan utk paten; no charges were ~d after the accident, tdk ada tuduhan yg didaftarkan selepas kemalangan itu; 3. send in (report, news, story) mengirim: I’ve got to ~ this report before seven o’clock, saya mesti mengirim laporan ini sebelum pukul tujuh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dispatch | vt 1. send off, menghantar, mengirim: to ~ supplies to the flood-stricken area, menghantar bekalan ke kawasan yg dilanda banjir; a letter was ~ed to the head office, sepucuk surat dikirim ke ibu pejabat; 2. deal with promptly, menyelesaikan [sst] dgn segera: the committee intended to ~ the routine business first, jawatankuasa itu merancang utk menyelesaikan urusan-urusan yg rutin dahulu; 3. (colloq) eat up quickly, menghabiskan dgn cepat; 4. (old-fashioned) put to death, membunuh: he had to ~ the wounded animal, dia terpaksa membunuh binatang yg cedera itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
direct | vt 1. (fml) address, mengalamatkan; 2. send (letter, parcel, etc) menghantar, mengirim: please ~ my mail to the office, tolong hantar surat-surat saya ke pejabat; 3. point out the way, menunjukkan jalan kpd: he must ~ us to the airport, dia mesti menunjukkan jalan ke lapangan terbang kpd kita; 4. cause to turn, menghalakan, mengarahkan: the telescope was ~ed towards a certain point, teropong itu dihalakan ke suatu tempat yg tertentu; they were requested to ~ their attention to more pressing issues, mereka diminta mengarahkan perhatian pd isu-isu yg lebih mendesak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fraternal | adj 1. brotherly, saudara: ~ love, kasih sayang saudara; 2. of, rel to a fraternity, persaudaraan: to send ~ greetings to all members, mengirim salam persaudaraan kpd semua ahli. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
generous | adj 1. ready to give, murah hati, pemurah; (money) murah hati, pemurah, dermawan: our guardian is very ~. She always sends us gifts for Christmas, penjaga kami sangat murah hati. Dia selalu mengirim hadiah kpd kami utk Hari Krismas; it is very ~ of him to give away half of his inheritence to the poor, dia sungguh dermawan krn memberikan separuh drpd harta yg diwarisinya kpd orang-orang miskin; be ~ with, tdk /lokek, kedekut/ dgn; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cable | n 1. thick rope, a. (of hemp fibres) tali belati; b. (of wire strands) kabel; 2. (electr) kabel: to lay a ~, memasang kabel; 3. rope or chain of an anchor, tali sauh; 4. cablegram, kawat, kabel: to send a ~, mengirim kawat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |