betray | vt 1. deliver, expose to an enemy by treachery, (mem)belot thdp, mengkhianati: to ~ o’s country, belot thdp negara sendiri; the rebel leader ~ed his own people, ketua pemberontak itu mengkhianati orang-orangnya sendiri; 2. be unfaithful to, mengkhianati; (o’s wife, husband, lover) berlaku curang thdp: he ~ed his principles, dia mengkhianati prinsip-prinsipnya sendiri; to ~ so’s trust, mengkhianati amanah sso; 3. disclose treacherously, membocorkan: to ~ government secrets, membocorkan rahsia kerajaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sell | ~ down; ~ /so., st / down the river, (colloq) mengkhianati/ sso, sst/; (o’s country) menjual: he would ~ his own brother down the river if he had to, dia sanggup mengkhianati adik kandungnya sendiri jika terpaksa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
treacherous | adj 1. traitorous, khianat: a dangerous and most ~ enemy, musuh yg berbahaya dan sangat khianat; be ~ to, mengkhianati: he was accused of being ~ to their cause, dia dituduh mengkhianati tujuan mereka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
double-cross | vt mengkhianati, membelot thdp: his own friends ~ed him, kawan-kawannya sendiri telah mengkhianatinya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
give | ~ so. away, a. betray so.,/membocorkan rahsia, memecahkan tembelang/ sso, memberitahu [sso] ttg /sso, sst/; (by treachery) /mengkhianati, belot thdp/ sso dgn memberikan maklumat: it was your sister who gave us away, not me, adik kamulah yg membocorkan rahsia kita, bukan saya; he gave his own people away to the Gestapo, dia mengkhianati bangsanya dgn memberikan maklumat kpd pihak Gestapo; b. reveal st about so., [no specif translation]: “How did you know I was English?” “Your accent gave you away”, “Bagaimana saudara tahu bahawa saya orang Inggeris?” “Daripada loghat saudari, saya tahu saudari orang Inggeris”; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
river | sell so. down the ~, (colloq), mengkhianati sso. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rat | ~ on so. , betray so, /berpaling tadah thdp, mengkhianati/ sso: he would never ~ on a friend, dia tdk akan berpaling tadah thdp kawannya; ~ on st, tdk menepati: he ~ted on our agreement, dia tdk menepati perjanjian kami. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
paradoxically | yg menjadi paradoks ialah orang yg kita percayai itulah yg kemudiannya mengkhianati kita. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
betrayal | n act of betraying, a. (country) pembelotan, pengkhianatan; b. ( principles etc) mengkhianati, pengkhianatan; c. (secret) pembocoran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
regard | the situation must be ~ed as serious, situasi itu mesti dianggap serius; he is ~ed as having betrayed his country, dia dianggap telah mengkhianati negerinya; he is highly ~ed here, dia dipandang tinggi di sini; 3. look carefully, memperhati: grandmother ~ed him closely and noted the sadness in his eyes, nenek memperhatinya dgn teliti dan dapat mengesan kesedihan di matanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |