specialize | vi usu ~ in, pursue a particular line of study, activity, etc, mengkhusus: after finishing the general medical course, most of the graduates intend to ~, selepas tamat mengikuti kursus perubatan am, kebanyakan siswazah akan mengkhusus; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
specialize | a naval lieutenant who has ~d in administration, seorang leftenan tentera laut yg telah mengkhusus dlm bidang pentadbiran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
surgery | 4. a branch of medical science, practice, pembedahan, surgeri: he decided to specialize in thoracic ~, dia memutuskan utk mengkhusus dlm pembedahan torasik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
removal | n 1. act of moving by taking away, pemindahan, memindahkan: a firm that specializes in furniture ~, firma yg mengkhusus dlm pemindahan perabot; 2. dismissal from office, penyingkiran: after the President’s ~ from office ..., selepas penyingkiran Presiden dr jawatannya ...; 3. act of eliminating, penyingkiran: the ~ of his name from the list, penyingkiran namanya dr senarai itu; 4. act of getting rid of, menghilangkan: the ~ of greasy stains, menghilangkan bekas-bekas minyak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
aim | vi 1. take aim, membidik, menenang: he ~ ed carefully before pulling the trigger, dia membidik dgn berhati-hati sebelum menarik picu; 2. intend, bertujuan: he ~s to major in psychology, dia bertujuan utk mengkhusus dlm bidang psikologi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
illustration | n 1. drawings, photographs, etc used to illustrate a text, ilustrasi, gambar: the ~s in the book are excellent, ilustrasi dlm buku itu sungguh baik; 2. example, contoh: let me give you an ~ of what I mean, biar saya berikan contoh ttg apa yg saya maksudkan; 3. illustrating or being illustrated, a. (by giving related examples etc) penjelasan, menjelaskan: let me, by way of ~, give you a specific example, biarlah saya, sbg penjelasan, memberikan contoh khusus; he cited many examples in ~ of his argument, dia memberikan beberapa contoh utk menjelaskan hujahnya; b. (by furnishing with drawings, photographs, etc) mengilustrasi: he specialized in the ~ of children’s books, dia mengkhusus dlm kerja mengilustrasi buku anak-kanak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |