dredge1 | vt mengorek: to ~ a river, mengorek sungai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dredge1 | ~ for st, mengorek utk mencari sst: to ~ for oysters, mengorek utk mencari tiram; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dig | vt 1. turn over (ground) using spade etc, menggali, mengorek: they dug the ground while it was still soft, mereka menggali tanah itu ketika tanah itu masih lembut; 2. make by digging, menggali, mengorek: to ~ a well, menggali perigi; 3. obtain by digging, menggali, mengorek: to ~ potatoes, menggali ubi kentang; 4. (sl & old-fashioned) appreciate, suka: he doesn’t ~ jazz, dia tak suka jaz; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dredge1 | ~ st up, a. bring st to surface with dredge, mengorek keluar sst: they ~d up tons of mud from the river mouth, mereka mengorek keluar bertan-tan lumpur dr muara sungai; the body was ~d up from the bottom of the mining pool, mayat itu dikorek keluar dr dasar kolam lombong; b. (colloq) dig up st that is unpleasant or embarrassing, membangkitkan sst: to ~ up old quarrels, membangkitkan kisah perkelahian lama. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bore1 | vt 1. make (as if) with revolving tool, menggerek: to ~ an oil well, menggerek telaga minyak; holes ~d by insects, lubang-lubang yg digerek oleh serangga; 2. make hole in (as if) by using revolving tool, menggerek: he used an electric drill to ~ the plank, dia menggunakan gerudi elektrik utk menggerek papan itu; 3. make by excavating, digging, etc, mengorek: they ~ed a tunnel through the mountain, mereka mengorek terowong melalui gunung itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
burrow | vt 1. dig, make, membuat, mengorek: holes ~ed by earthworms, lubang yg dibuat oleh cacing tanah; 2. press, menyembamkan: the little girl ~ed her grubby face into his shoulder, kanak-kanak itu menyembamkan mukanya yg comot ke bahu lelaki itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
burrow | vi 1. dig, make hole in ground, /membuat, mengorek/ lubang: rabbits ~ing under the fence, arnab-arnab yg membuat lubang di bawah pagar; 2. search as if by digging, menyeluk: she ~ed into her handbag for her lipstick, dia menyeluk beg tangannya utk mencari gincu; 3. press, menyembamkan: her face ~ed closer to my back, dia menyembamkan mukanya ke belakang saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hew | vt 1. strike with cutting blows, menetak: he ~ed the bench to pieces, dia menetak bangku itu sehingga berkecai; 2. cut into shape, memotong: to ~ logs, memotong balak; 3. shape, make, a. (a path in the jungle) menebas; b. (by excavating) mengorek [sst] utk membuat: to ~ out an underground tunnel, mengorek tanah utk membuat terowong bawah tanah; c. (by carving, chiselling, etc from a larger mass) menarah [sst] utk membuat: to ~ a sampan from a single tree, menarah sebatang pokok utk membuat sampan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
boring | n 1. act of boring, penggerekan; (by excavating, digging, etc) pengorekan, mengorek; 2. see BOREHOLE. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |