empty | vt 1. remove contents of, mengosongkan: he emptied his pockets of their contents, dia mengosongkan poketnya; 2. transfer (contents of one thing into another) membuang, mengeluarkan: she emptied the dust from the vacuum cleaner into the rubbish bin, dia membuang habuk dr penyedut vakum itu ke dlm tong sampah; he emptied sand from his shoes, dia membuang pasir dr kasutnya; 3. unburden, meluahkan, mencurahkan: he wanted to ~ his heart to her, dia ingin meluahkan perasaan hatinya kpd wanita itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clear | b. (of people) mengosongkan: the judge ordered the court to be ~ed, hakim mengarahkan supaya mahkamah dikosongkan; c. (from confused thoughts) melapangkan, melegakan: as our thoughts were becoming muddled, he suggested that we take a break to ~ our heads, disebabkan fikiran kami mula bercelaru, dia mencadangkan supaya kami berehat sebentar utk melapangkan fikiran; 5. remove blemish from, membersihkan: the vitamin will help ~ your skin of pimples, vitamin itu dapat membantu membersihkan kulit mukamu drpd jerawat; 6. finish dealing with, (work) menghabiskan, menyelesaikan, membuat; (problem) menyelesaikan: can you ~ all this work before you go?, bolehkah kamu menghabiskan kesemua kerja ini sebelum kamu pergi?; 7. make as net gain or profit, mendapat .... bersih: they ~ed $10,000 on the deal, mereka mendapat $10,000 bersih dlm urus niaga itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
evacuate | vt 1. send (so.) away to a place of safety, memindahkan: the government will ~ all the women and children, kerajaan akan memindahkan semua wanita dan kanak-kanak; 2. a. take all the people away from, memindahkan /penduduk, penghuni/ dr: the whole town was ~d when one of the nuclear plants exploded, seluruh penduduk bandar itu dipindahkan apabila salah satu drpd loji nuklear meletup;b. (esp mil) leave or withdraw from, meninggalkan, berundur dr: as the Allied forces drew nearer, they were given orders to ~ the area, apabila tentera Bersekutu semakin hampir, mereka diberi perintah supaya berundur dr kawasan itu; 3. (fml) empty (the bowels) mengosongkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |