bar | ~ os in, /mengunci, mengurung/ diri; ~ so. in, /mengunci, mengurung/ sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bar | vt 1. secure with a bar, memalang: to lock and ~ a door, mengunci dan memalang pintu; 2. obstruct (lit. & fig.) merintangi, menghalangi, menggalangi: the road was ~red by a fallen tree, jalan itu dirintangi sebatang pokok yg tumbang; illiteracy ~s the way to progress, buta huruf menghalangi kemajuan; 3. shut out, exclude, menghalang: reporters were ~red from the court, pemberita dihalang masuk ke mahkamah; 4. prohibit, melarang: students are ~red from participating actively in politics, pelajar-pelajar dilarang bergiat cergas dlm politik; the chairman ~s smoking at meetings, pengerusi melarang orang merokok semasa bermesyuarat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bolt2 | vt 1. close with a bolt, memalang, menyelak: he locked and ~ed the door, dia mengunci dan menyelak pintu itu; 2. secure with bolt, /melekatkan, memasang/ (dgn bolt): the bookcase is ~ed to the wall, rak buku dilekatkan dgn bolt pd dinding; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
express | adj 1. (fml) a. clearly stated, jelas: she gave ~ instructions to lock the door, dia memberikan arahan yg nyata supaya mengunci pintu; b. specific, khusus: I came here with the ~ intention of seeing you, saya datang ke sini dgn niat khusus hendak berjumpa dgn kamu; 2. designed for rapid transportation or service, a. (bus, train) eskpres; b. (mail) laju; c. (delivery, service) cepat; d. (messenger) cepat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clinch | vt 1. fix firmly, mematikan: to ~ a nail, mematikan paku; 2. settle conclusively, mencapai penyelesaian; (argument) mengunci: he was able to ~ the deal, dia berjaya mencapai penyelesaian dlm urus niaga itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
invite | 4. inspire, encourage, mengundang; (confidence, disbelief, etc) menyebabkan sso [v]: such behaviour only ~s ridicule, kelakuan spt itu akan hanya mengundang cemuhan; by not locking your front door you’re inviting thieves to come in, dgn tdk mengunci pintu depan rumahmu, kamu seolah-olah mengundang pencuri masuk; you’ll be inviting trouble if you get involved with that group, kamu mengundang kesusahan jika kamu melibatkan diri dgn kumpulan itu; her manner ~s confidence, gayanya menyebabkan orang berasa yakin padanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cut | 6. cessation, pemotongan; (accidental) terputus: there was a power ~ this afternoon, bekalan tenaga elektrik terputus petang tadi; 7. (sl) share, bahagian: the watchman got his ~ for “forgetting” to lock the factory door, pengawal itu mendapat bahagiannya krn “lupa” mengunci pintu kilang; 8. style, potongan: the ~ of his clothes does not suit a man of his build, potongan pakaiannya tdk sesuai utk lelaki yg bertubuh sepertinya; a neat hair~, potongan rambut yg kemas; 9. short cut, jalan rentas; 10. st that hurts the feelings, penghinaan: that remark was a ~ at me, kata-kata itu merupakan suatu penghinaan kpd saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fasten | 2. make attached, joined, a. (by method that is not specified) melekatkan: they had no idea who ~ed the notice to the board, mereka tdk tahu siapa yg melekatkan notis itu pd papan kenyataan; b. (by nailing) memakukan: the plaque was ~ed to the door with a nail, papan nama itu dipakukan pd dinding; c. (by tying with tether etc) ditambat, diikat: the boat was ~ed to its moorings, perahu itu ditambat pd tambatannya; 3. close by fixing firmly, menutup; (by locking) mengunci: to ~ a chest, menutup peti; she made sure all the windows and doors were ~ed before retiring, dia memastikan semua tingkap dan pintu dikunci sebelum masuk tidur; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |