backwards, backward | adv 1. towards the rear, ke belakang: to look ~, memandang ke belakang; 2. with the back foremost, mengundur: he walked ~ out of the room, dia berjalan mengundur keluar dr bilik itu; 3. in reverse, terbalik: children sometimes write letters ~, kanak-kanak kadang-kadang menulis huruf terbalik; 4. from end to beginning, dr hujung ke pangkal: to recite the alphabet ~, menyebut abjad dr hujung ke pangkal; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
back | vi 1. move backward, (ber)undur, mengundur, mundur: the animal ~ed slowly, binatang itu berundur dgn perlahan-lahan; 2. move st backwards, mengundurkan + approp n: he hit the dustbin as he was ~ing, dia terlanggar tong sampah sewaktu mengundurkan keretanya; 3. (of wind) berkisar lawan jam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
backing | n 1. act of moving backwards, pengunduran, berundur, mengundur; 2. support, sokongan: the project needs the ~ of the committee, projek ini memerlukan sokongan jawatankuasa tersebut; 3. body of supporters, (para) penyokong; 4. mounting, lapik (pd belakang): to use cardboard as the ~ for a picture, menggunakan kadbod sbg lapik utk gambar; 5. musical accompaniment, iringan: with full orchestral ~, dgn iringan orkestra. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
alarm | n 1. fear, kecemasan, (perasaan) cemas: she stepped back in ~ at the sight of the snake, dia mengundur ke belakang dgn cemas apabila ternampak ular itu; 2. apprehension, kebimbangan, kerisauan, kekhuatiran; take ~, (menjadi) /bimbang, risau, khuatir/: she took ~ when her father failed to meet her, dia menjadi bimbang apabila bapanya tdk datang menemuinya; 3. sound, signal, etc warning of danger, /amaran, tanda/ bahaya: sentries were posted at the gate to give the ~ against intruders, pengawal-pengawal ditempatkan di pintu masuk utk memberikan amaran bahaya sekiranya penceroboh masuk: to sound the ~, membunyikan amaran bahaya; 4. device that gives warning, penggera: burglar ~, penggera pencuri; fire ~,5. alarm clock, jam /loceng, gerak/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
back | ~ into, hit while backing, terlanggar [n] sewaktu /berundur, mundur, mengundur, mengundurkan + approp n/: I ~ed into the gate this morning, saya terlanggar pintu pagar sewaktu mengundurkan kereta saya pagi tadi; ~ st into st, a. see vt (sense 1.); b. hit st against (st) while backing, /terlanggar, melanggar/ set sewaktu mengundurkan + approp n: he screamed when he heard that his wife had ~ed their new Toyota into a lamp-post, dia menjerit apabila mendapati isterinya terlanggar tiang lampu sewaktu mengundurkan Toyota baru mereka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |