arrange | ~ for, mengurus: to ~ for a taxi, mengurus penempahan teksi; I have ~d for you to be sent straight to my office, saya telah mengurus supaya encik dihantar terus ke pejabat saya; ~ st for, a. make plans for, /mengatur, mengurus/ sst: he has ~d additional classes for them, dia telah mengurus kelas tambahan utk mereka; b. see vt (sense 4.); c. see vt (sense 5.); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
arrange | ~ about, mengurus: she has ~d about the food for the tea party, dia telah mengurus penyediaan makanan utk majlis minuman teh itu; who ~d about buying the tickets?, siapakah yg mengurus pembelian tiket?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
care | ~ of, di alamat; have a ~, (old-fashioned) hati-hatilah, jaga-jaga; /in, under/ /the ~ of so., so’s ~/, di bawah /jagaan, penjagaan/ sso; take ~, berhati-hati, berjaga-jaga, bercermat-cermat; take ~ of, a. see to, mengurus: my secretary will take ~ of the travelling arrangements, setiausaha saya akan mengurus segala hal ttg perjalanan; b. look after, menjaga: she is old enough to take ~ of herself, dia sudah cukup dewasa utk menjaga dirinya (sendiri); with ~, dgn /hati-hati, cermat, teliti/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
attend | ~ to, a. look after, menjaga: my assistant will ~ to the shop while I go to the bank, pembantu saya akan menjaga kedai semasa saya pergi ke bank; b. give care (esp medical care) to, merawat: you must ~ to the injured first, kamu mesti merawat yg cedera dahulu; c. pay attention to, memberikan perhatian; d. apply os to, mengurus, [otherwise various translation]: can you please ~ to the correspondence?, bolehkah kamu tolong mengurus hal surat-menyurat itu?; to ~ to o’s business, mengurus perniagaan sso; to ~ to o’s health, menjaga kesihatan sso; let’s ~ to our work instead of gossiping, lebih baik kita membuat kerja kita drpd mengumpat; e. serve, melayani: to ~ to a customer, melayani pelanggan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
arrange | g. (seating arrangement) menentukan: to ~ the seating at the National Day parade, menentukan tempat duduk utk perbarisan Hari Kebangsaan; 2. plan, prepare for in advance, mengatur, mengurus; (appointment) membuat: everything was ~d before the meeting, semuanya sudah diatur sebelum mesyuarat; to ~ a reception for the visiting team, mengatur satu jamuan utk pasukan pelawat; he has ~d a hire-car for us, dia telah mengatur penempahan sebuah kereta sewa utk kami; to ~ an appointment with the dentist, membuat janji temu dgn doktor gigi; 3. (marriage), (act.) mengatur; (pass.) berlangsung: a marriage has been ~d between Mr. C. H. Lim and Miss Iris Chong, perkahwinan antara Encik C. H. Lim dan Cik Iris Chong akan berlangsung; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
honourable | adj worthy of honour, mulia; (of a course of action) terhormat: I’m sure his motives were competely ~, saya pasti niatnya benar-benar mulia; an ~ man, lelaki yg mulia; housekeeping is an ~ task, mengurus rumah tangga ialah pekerjaan yg mulia; the only ~ course to take would be to resign, satu-satunya jalan terhormat yg boleh diambil adalah meletakkan jawatan; ~ mention, sebutan khas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cope 1 | vi betah, tahan; (rel to particular situation), /dapat, sanggup/ + approp v: when the maid went on a vacation she found that she just couldn’t ~, semasa pembantu rumah bercuti, dia mendapati dia tdk dapat mengurus rumah tangganya; the demand was so great that the manufacturer could not ~, permintaan terlalu banyak hingga pihak pengilang tdk dapat memenuhinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hire | n 1. act of hiring, penyewaan: the ~ of the hall was arranged by another group, penyewaan dewan itu telah diurus oleh kumpulan lain; I must make arrangements for the ~ of a bus, saya mesti mengurus penyewaan sebuah bas; /for, on/ ~, utk disewa; 2. payment a. (for person’s services) upah: to work for ~, bekerja utk mendapatkan upah; b. (for thing hired) sewa; 3. (attrib) sewa: a car ~ company, syarikat kereta sewa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
arrangement | 4. st arranged, gubahan: a floral ~, gubahan bunga; 5. (in pl) plans,preparations, persiapan, persediaan; (preceded by poss pron) segala yg telah [approp poss pron] /atur, urus/: ~s for the royal wedding, persiapan utk upacara perkahwinan diraja itu; we will have to cancel our ~s, kita terpaksa membatalkan segala yg telah kita atur; make ~s, /mengatur, mengurus/ segala-galanya; make the necessary ~s, /mengatur, mengurus/ segala yg perlu; 6. adaptation of piece of music, gubahan, susunan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
arrange | vt 1. put into order, a. (gen) mengatur, menyusun: the chairs were ~d in rows, kerusi-kerusi itu diatur berbaris-baris; to ~ the books in the library, menyusun buku di perpustakaan; the pleats were so ~d that the flaw in the material was hidden, lisu-lisu itu disusun dgn sebegitu rupa sehingga cacat pd kain itu tdk ketara; to ~ a timetable, menyusun jadual waktu; b. (some responsibility etc that needs attention) mengurus: he ~d his business affairs before going abroad, dia mengurus urusan perniagaannya sebelum pergi ke luar negeri; c. (flowers) menggubah, menyusun; d. (hair) mendandan; e. (clothing, part of clothing) membetul-betulkan: she sat down, carefully arranging her skirt, dia duduk dan dgn cermat membetul-betulkan skirtnya; f. (place) menyiapkan: the hall has been ~d for the concert, dewan itu telah disiapkan utk pertunjukan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |