appraise | vt 1. estimate price, cost of, menilai, menaksir: to ~ the estate of the deceased, menilai harta si mati; 2. evaluate the quality, significance, etc of, menilai: to ~ Tagore’s contribution to literature, menilai sumbangan Tagore thdp sastera; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
discerning | adj 1. discriminating, pandai menilai, arif: he is not very ~ in his choice of friends, dlm memilih kawan dia tdk berapa pandai menilai; 2. penetrating, tajam: a ~ eye, mata yg tajam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
assay | vt 1. test quality etc of (metal, ore) mencerakinkan; 2. evaluate, analyse, menilai: to ~ the effectiveness of the new approach, menilai keberkesanan pendekatan baru itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
judge | n 1. public officer with power to make decisions, hear cases in court of law, hakim: a Supreme Court ~, hakim Mahkamah Agung; appear before a ~, dihadapkan ke mahkamah; 2. person who decides, a. (in contest, competition) pengadil, hakim: a panel of ~s, jemaah pengadil; b. (in dispute) hakim; 3. person qualified to give valuable opinion, (orang yg) pandai menilai: a good ~ of horses, seorang yg pandai menilai kuda; he liked the film, but he was no ~, dia suka filem itu, tetapi dia tdk pandai menilai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
judge | vt 1. hear and pass judgement, a. (of God) mengadili: God will ~ all men, Tuhan akan mengadili semua manusia; b. (in court of law) menghakimi: do you know who is going to ~ the murder case?, tahukah kamu siapa yg akan menghakimi kes itu?; 2. decide result of (competition etc) mengadili, menghakimi: she will be judging the baby show next week, dia akan mengadili pertandingan bayi minggu hadapan; 3. evaluate, assess, menilai: to ~ a man by the clothes he wears, menilai sso drpd pakaiannya; it’s not for me to ~ you, saya tdk berhak menilai saudara; schools are usually ~d by the performance of their students in exams, sekolah biasanya dinilai drpd prestasi penuntut dlm peperiksaan; 4. estimate, menganggarkan: she ~d him to be about 65, dia menganggarkan umur lelaki itu sekitar 65 tahun; he ~d that there must be at least twenty people living in the small house, dia menganggarkan sekurang-kurangnya dua puluh orang | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
assess | vt 1. estimate, calculate value or amount of, menaksir: to ~ the deceased’s estate, menaksir harta si mati; after ~ing a taxpayer’s income for the year..., setelah menaksir pendapatan pembayar cukai bagi sst tahun...; to ~ damages, menaksir kerugian; to ~ a fine, menaksir denda; 2. impose tax, fine, etc on, mengenakan + approp n: each of them was ~ed M$100, setiap orang drpd mereka dikenakan denda sebanyak M$100; 3. (fig.) evaluate, menilai: to ~ the influence of Joyce on contemporary writers, menilai pengaruh Joyce thdp penulis-penulis masa kini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
discriminating | adj 1. distinguishing, membezakan: the ~ mark of the species, tanda yg membezakan spesies itu; 2. discerning, arif, bijak, pandai menilai: ~ buyers, pembeli-pembeli yg arif. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
horseflesh | n 1. horse meat, daging kuda; 2. horses collectively, kuda: the man is a good judge of ~, orang itu pandai menilai kuda. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
judge | vi 1. give decision (in competition etc) menjadi pengadil: to ~ at a cat show, menjadi pengadil di pertandingan kucing; 2. form opinion, judgement about, membuat anggapan: whether or not he was telling the truth, I was unable to ~, saya tdk dapat membuat anggapan sama ada dia berkata benar atau tdk; ~ by appearances, menilai dr segi lahir; 3. deem, fikir, rasa: I ~ from his answers that he would be suitable for the post, drpd jawapannya, saya fikir dia sesuai utk jawatan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
action | n 1. process or state of acting, tindakan, bertindak: an emergency that requires immediate ~, keadaan cemas yg memerlukan tindakan segera; freedom of ~, kebebasan bertindak; a man of ~, orang yg banyak bertindak; 2. act, deed, tindakan, perbuatan: to judge a man by his ~s, menilai sso drpd tindakannya; 3. movement, gerak-geri: the suspect’s every ~ was closely watched, setiap gerak-geri orang yg disyaki itu diawasi dgn teliti; 4. operation, cara [sst] berfungsi, jalannya: describe the ~ of a gear, huraikan cara gear berfungsi; 5. effect, tindakan: the ~ of acid on metal, tindakan asid atas logam; 6. (in a play, film, etc) aksi: a film full of ~, filem yg penuh aksi; 7. legal proceeding, tindakan (undang-undang): civil ~, tindakan sivil; 8. combat, pertempuran: killed in ~, terbunuh dlm pertempuran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |