creeping | adj 1. (of plant) menjalar, melata, merayap, menyulur; 2. (of a process) menjalar, merayap: ~ socialism, sosialisme menjalar; ~ inflation, inflasi merayap. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
creeper | n (plant) penjalar, tumbuhan menjalar; (bird, insect, etc) penjalar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intertwine | vi berjalin: the vines ~ to form a dense cover, pokok-pokok menjalar itu berjalin dan membentuk naungan yg tebal; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
creep | vi 1. crawl, merangkak; (of insect) melata, merayap; (of snake) menjalar, menyusur: the prisoner crept under the fence to freedom, banduan itu merangkak di bawah pagar utk melepaskan diri; an anaconda crept slowly out of the cave, seekor ular anakonda menyusur keluar dr gua itu; 2. move cautiously, stealthily, menyusup: the fox crept into the hole, rubah itu menyusup ke dlm lubang; he crept up the stairs, dia menyusup menaiki tangga; 3. move, advance or enter slowly, a. (of group of people, vehicles, etc) merayap: the procession crept along the busy street, perarakan itu merayap di sepanjang jalan yg sibuk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
languor | n 1. physical, mental weariness, kelesuan: the drug induced a strange ~ in him, ubat itu menimbulkan kelesuan yg aneh pd dirinya; 2. feeling of peacefulness, (rasa) damai: a feeling of ~ crept over me, rasa damai menjalar ke seluruh tubuhku; 3. stillness, heaviness, kekakuan: the ~ of a tropical evening, kekakuan di waktu senja tropika. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ascending | adj 1. rising upwards, sedang naik: the ~ smoke drifted westward, asap yg sedang naik itu beredar ke barat; 2. sloping upwards, mendaki, memanjat, naik meninggi: an ~ footpath, jalan kecil yg mendaki; 3. (of plant) menaik, menjalar naik: an ~ stem,batang tumbuhan yg menaik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crawl | vi 1. (of person) a. (move on hands and knees) merangkak: the baby is ~ing, bayi itu sedang merangkak; b. (move by dragging the body) merayap, menyusup: the wounded soldier ~ed through the long grass, askar yg cedera itu menyusup perlahan-lahan di celah-celah rumput yg panjang; 2. (of snake, worm) menjalar; 3. (of snail, turtle, insect) merayap: a spider ~ed up his arm, labah-labah merayap ke atas lengannya; 4. proceed slowly, merangkak: traffic ~ed along the congested highway, lalu lintas merangkak di sepanjang lebuh raya yg sesak; the hours seemed to ~ by, masa bagaikan merangkak; 5. be swarming with, dikerumuni: the meat is ~ing with maggots, daging itu dikerumuni berenga; 6. (swimming) berenang gaya rangkak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
creep | b. (of mass of cloud, mist) berarak; c. (of hand of clock) merangkak: the hands of the clock crept towards midnight, jarum jam merangkak ke pukul dua belas tengah malam; d. (of water, tide) merangkak: the water crept slowly up the shore, air perlahan-lahan merangkak naik ke pantai; e. (of emotion, tone of voice, etc) mula terasa: an arrogant note crept into his voice, nada angkuh mula terasa dlm suaranya; suspicion began to ~ into her mind, rasa syak mula terasa dlm fikirannya; f. (of mistakes etc) berlaku, terjadi: after two hours of typing, mistakes started to ~ into his work, selepas dua jam menaip, kesilapan mula berlaku dlm kerjanya; 4. (of plant) menjalar, melata, merayap, menyulur; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |