friendship | n persahabatan: he valued their ~, dia menghargai persahabatan mereka; the ~ between the countries was endangered by the incident, persahabatan antara negara-negara itu dlm bahaya akibat peristiwa tersebut; the ~ lasted for over twenty years, persahabatan itu terjalin selama lebih drpd dua puluh tahun; form a ~ with so., menjalin persahabatan dgn sso; live in ~, hidup bersahabat; lose so’s ~, persahabatan dgn sso putus; strike up a ~, menjalin persahabatan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
establish | the management has ~ed a new method for dealing with claims, pihak pengurusan telah mewujudkan cara baru utk menangani tuntutan; during those years she ~ed a close relationship with the Rector’s wife, dlm tahun-tahun tersebut dia telah menjalin hubungan yang rapat dgn isteri Rektor; ~ contact a. start having discussions, mengadakan kontak: the government’s feeble attempt to ~ contact with the rebel group has come in for a great deal of criticism, usaha lemah kerajaan utk mengadakan kontak dgn puak pemberontak telah menimbulkan banyak kritikan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
establish | vt 1. a. found, menubuhkan, mendirikan; (business) menubuhkan: the school was ~ed in 1904, sekolah itu didirikan pd tahun 1904; he ~ed the only clothing business in the town, dia menubuhkan satu-satunya perniagaan pakaian di bandar itu; b. bring about, create, mewujudkan; (relationship) menjalin: the ministry plans to ~ a new educational system, pihak kementerian akan mewujudkan sistem pendidikan yg baru; to ~ a precedent, mewujudkan satu duluan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |