assume | 3. undertake, (mula) memegang; (office), (mula) /memegang, menjawat/; (obligation, responsibility) memikul: to ~ o’s new duties, mula memegang tugas baru sso; at the age of forty he ~d the office of president, pd umur empat puluh tahun dia mula memegang jawatan presiden; 4. take over, mengambil alih: in his absence, his assistant ~d his responsibilities, semasa dia tdk ada, penolongnya mengambil alih tugas-tugasnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
assumption | n 1. act of, a. (taking for granted) membuat anggapan; b. (undertaking), (mula) memegang; (office), (mula) /memegang, menjawat/; (obligation, responsibility) memikul; c. (usurping, appropriating) perampasan, perebutan; 2. supposition, anggapan: the article made a number of ~s that cannot be proved, rencana itu membuat beberapa anggapan yg tdk dapat dibuktikan; 3. arrogance, keangkuhan, kepongahan, kebongkakan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bear2 | ~ a date, bertarikh, /diberi, dibubuhi/ tarikh: the letter ~s no date, surat itu tdk bertarikh;~ fruit, a. berbuah, menghasilkan buah; b. (fig.) berhasil, mendatangkan hasil; ~ (st) in mind, ingat (akan sst), mengingati (sst); ~ office, /menjawat, memegang/ jawatan; ~ oneself, carry os, gaya sso + approp v: he ~s himself well when he is marching, gaya dia berkawat sungguh segak; ~ relation to (st), /berkaitan, berhubungan, bertalian/ dgn (sst): the arguments ~ no relation to the issue at hand, hujah-hujah itu tdk berkaitan dgn persoalan yg dihadapi; ~ a resemblance to, mirip kpd, menyerupai; ~ so’s signature, tandatangan sso terdapat pd: the document ~s your signature, tandatangan tuan terdapat pd dokumen itu ; ~ the name (of st), bernama (sst); ~ witness, menjadi saksi; ~ witness to, (of st) menunjukkan, membuktikan: the ruins ~ witness to a former prosperity, runtuhan itu membuktikan kemakmuran pd zaman lampau; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |