have | ~ so. /down, over, up/, (as guest) menjemput sso (sbg tetamu): we’re having 50 students over from Sabah next week, kita telah menjemput 50 orang mahasiswa dr Sabah sbg tetamu minggu depan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
invite | vt 1. ask (so.) politely, (to attend party, wedding, etc or to go to so’s house etc) menjemput, mengajak, mengundang, mempelawa; (to important, formal or official function) mengundang, menjemput; (verbally and at formal meeting or function) mempersilakan, menjemput: he was ~d to spend the weekend with them, dia diajak menghabiskan hujung minggu bersama mereka; I did not go to her wedding because I was not ~d, saya tdk menghadiri majlis perkahwinannya krn saya tdk dijemput; the Minister ~d the delegates to be seated, Menteri itu mempersilakan wakil-wakil perutusan tersebut duduk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
come | ~ for, a. arrive to pick up, datang utk mengambil; (so.) menjemput: has he ~ for the parcel yet?, sudahkah dia datang utk mengambil bungkusan itu?; at what time did she say she would ~ for you?, pukul berapa dia kata dia akan menjemput kamu?; b. move towards (so.) threateningly, datang hendak menyerang: I saw the dog coming for me and I went rigid with fear, saya nampak anjing itu datang hendak menyerang dan saya menjadi kaku krn takut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ask | ~ so. to, /mengajak, menjemput, mengundang/ sso ke: you need not ~ all your friends to the party, kamu tdk perlu mengajak kesemua kawan kamu ke majlis itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fetch | vt 1. go and get, (something) mengambil; (someone something) mengambilkan; (someone) menjemput: he ~ed a chair from the next room, dia mengambil kerusi dr bilik sebelah; it is my turn to ~ water from the river, ini giliran saya mengambil air dr sungai; I have to ~ grandmother a cup of tea, saya harus mengambilkan nenek secawan teh; I’m just going to ~ my husband from the airport, saya hendak menjemput suami saya di lapangan terbang; ~ help, mendapatkan pertolongan; 2. be sold for, dijual: the land ~ed a good price, tanah itu telah dijual dgn harga yg tinggi; I think this house will ~ about $200,000, saya rasa rumah ini dapat dijual dgn harga $200,000; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forget | vi (ter)lupa: you have a dental appointment at three – don’t ~!, kamu ada janji temu dgn doktor gigi pd pukul tiga – jangan lupa!; I was supposed to pick the children up, but I ~, saya sepatutnya menjemput budak-budak, tetapi saya terlupa; he forgot about the visit, dia terlupa ttg lawatan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bid | vt 1. command, order, a. memerintahkan; (of royalty) menitahkan: the soldiers did as they were ~den, askar-askar itu bertindak sebagaimana yg diperintahkan; 2. ask, menyuruh: just do as your father ~s you, buat saja spt yg disuruh (oleh) ayahmu; 3. invite, ask kindly, mempersilakan, menjemput: he bade me enter, dia mempersilakan saya masuk; 4. greet, salute, mengucapkan: she bade me farewell, dia mengucapkan selamat tinggal kpd saya; 5. offer a certain price (for) menawarkan, membida: he ~ $60.00 for the chair, dia menawarkan $60.00 utk kerusi itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
between | adv also in ~, in an intermediate position, antara, di antaranya; (period of time) antara: Birch Road, Pudu Road and all the roads in ~, Jalan Birch, Jalan Pudu dan semua jalan di antaranya or antara kedua-dua jalan itu; he picks her up at seven, takes her home before midnight, but who knows what can happen in ~?, dia menjemput gadis itu pd pukul tujuh, menghantarnya pulang sebelum tengah malam, tetapi siapa tahu apa yg mungkin berlaku antara waktu itu?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hurry | in a ~, a. in a rush, tergesa-gesa, terburu-buru: he had to leave the meeting in a ~, dia terpaksa meninggalkan mesyuarat itu dgn tergesa-gesa; b. anxiously eager, cepat: I am in a ~ to make money, saya hendak cepat kaya; she is in a ~ to go home, dia hendak cepat pulang; c. easily or willingly, semudah itu, secepat itu: he won’t invite me again in a ~, dia tdk akan semudah itu menjemput saya lagi; in no ~, not in a rush, tdk perlu cepat: I am in no ~ to go home, saya tdk perlu cepat pulang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
interview | n 1. formal discussion (between applicant for a job, scholarship, etc and employer etc) temu duga: 60 applicants turned up for the ~, 60 pemohon datang utk menghadiri temu duga itu; 2. conversation between journalist and person whose views are sought, temu bual, temu ramah, wawancara; (in published form) wawancara; (press conference) sidang akhbar: The Vice-Chancellor said in an ~ that..., dlm temu bual itu, Naib Canselor berkata bahawa...; the President invited the press to an ~, Presiden tersebut menjemput para wartawan menghadiri sidang akhbar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |