carry | a crime that carries a heavy penalty, jenayah yg membawa hukuman berat; b. (interest) dikenakan: loans ~ interest, pinjaman dikenakan bayaran faedah; 8. be pregnant with, mengandung: she’s ~ing her first child, dia mengandung anak sulungnya; 9. influence, mempengaruhi: his fiery enthusiasm carried the crowd with him, semangatnya yg berkobar-kobar itu mempengaruhi orang ramai yg mendengarnya;10. support, menyangga, menopang, menyokong: huge columns ~ the whole roof, tiang-tiang besar menyangga (seluruh) bumbung itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cup | vt 1. curve into shape of cup a. (to catch or receive st) menadahkan: the child ~ped her hands and waited for me to throw the ball, kanak-kanak itu menadahkan tangannya dan menunggu saya membaling bola; b. (to scoop st) merangkup: he ~ped his hands to scoop up the rice grains, dia merangkup tangannya utk mengambil beras itu; c. (so as to touch all around) memegang (keliling): he ~ped his hands around the glass of beer, kedua-dua belah tangannya memegang keliling gelas bir itu; 2. put hands round a. (chin) menopang; b. (sand, grains, water, etc) meraup: the thirsty traveller ~ped water from the stream, pengembara yg dahaga itu meraup air di sungai; c. (ears) menekup; 3. (archaic) vdraw blood by means of cupping glass, membekam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |