assign | ~ so. to, menugasi sso utk mengendalikan: he has been ~ed to a new case, dia telah ditugaskan utk mengendalikan kes baru; ~ st to, a. see vt (sense 2.); b. see vt (sense 3.); c. believe st to be the result of, mengatakan bahawa sst /berpunca drpd, disebabkan oleh/: the accident has been ~ed to a fault in one of the engines, kemalangan itu dikatakan berpunca drpd kerosakan dlm salah satu enjin itu; d. declare st to be the work of, mengatakan bahawa sst + approp v oleh: many experts ~ed the work to Tun Seri Lanang, beberapa banyak pakar mengatakan bahawa karya itu ditulis oleh Tun Seri Lanang; e. declare st to belong to (particular time) mengatakan bahawa sst + approp v /dlm, pd/: stone inscriptions ~ed to the seventh century, batu-batu bersurat yg dikatakan ditulis dlm kurun ketujuh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
assign | vt 1. appoint, menugasi: the journalist ~ed to cover the trial, wartawan yg ditugaskan utk membuat liputan ttg perbicaraan itu; 2. allot (task, problem, etc) memberi [sso sst], memberikan [sst kpd sso], menyerahkan [sst kpd sso]: your teacher will ~ you work to do at home, guru kamu akan memberi kamu kerja utk dibuat di rumah; the defence of the fort was ~ed to our regiment, tugas mempertahankan kota itu telah diberikan kpd rejimen kami; 3. allot (place) menguntukkan, memperuntukkan: he was ~ed a small room, sebuah bilik kecil diperuntukkan kepadanya; the first floor has been ~ed to us, tingkat satu telah diuntukkan kpd kami; 4. fix, specify (time, limit) menetapkan: the day for the next meeting has not yet been ~ed, hari bagi mesyuarat yg akan datang belum lagi ditetapkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
charge | ~ so. with, a. allot duty to so., menugasi sso: he was ~d with the safekeeping of the document, dia ditugasi menyimpan dokumen itu dgn selamat; b. accuse so. of, menuduh sso: to be ~d with manslaughter, dituduh melakukan pematian orang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
commision | vt 1. charge with task, duty, menugasi: an architect was ~ed to plan their new house, seorang arkitek ditugaskan utk merancang rumah baru mereka; 2. place special order for, memesan supaya [sst] + approp v: the queen ~ed a portrait of the two princesses, permaisuri memesan supaya potret kedua-dua orang puteri itu dilukis; to ~ a piece of music for the ceremony, memesan supaya sebuah lagu digubah utk upacara itu; 3. put into active service, melengkapkan: to ~ a ship, melengkapkan sebuah kapal; 4. (mil) mentauliahkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
detail | vt 1. describe fully, memperincikan, membutirkan: his activities are ~ed in the report, segala aktivitinya diperincikan dlm laporan itu; 2. assign to special duty, menugasi: soldiers ~ed to guard the entrance, askar-askar yg ditugasi mengawal pintu masuk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |