punch 1 | vt hit(so., st) hard with the fist, menumbuk, meninju; (ball) menumbuk: to ~ o’s opponent, meninju lawan sso; the youth ~ed him in the face, budak itu menumbuk mukanya; he ~ed the ball ahead of him, dia menumbuk bola yg di hadapannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
box2 | vt menumbuk: he ~ed my ears!, dia menumbuk telinga saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sock 2 | vt (colloq) menumbuk: he ~ed his opponent with a left and a right, dia menumbuk lawannya dgn tumbukan kiri dan kanan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pounce | vt 1. strike with repeated heavy blows, a. (using fist) menumbuk, menghentam: the prisoner ~ed the wall with anger and frustration, banduan itu menumbuk-numbuk dinding dgn marah dan kecewa; b. (using gunfire etc) membedil: the artillery ~ed the enemy position, pasukan meriam membedil kawasan musuh; 2. break up into small pieces, pulverise, menghancurkan; (by hand using pestle etc) menumbuk: the rocks were ~ed to provide material for roads, batu-batu itu dihancurkan utk dijadikan bahan utk pembinaan jalan; she ~ed grain in her wooden mortar, dia menumbuk bijirin di dlm lesung kayunya; 3. use (piano, typewriter, etc) energetically and noisily, mengetuk(-ngetuk) [sst] dgn kasar: she ~ed the typewriter furiously, dengan geramnya, dia mengetuk-ngetuk mesin taip itu dgn kasar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pumme 1 | vt menumbuk-numbuk, menggocoh: she picked up the pillow and ~led it angrily, dia mengambil bantal itu dan menumbuk-numbuknya dgn marah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
husk | vt remove covering of a. (grains) membuang sekam; (using machine) memesin; (by pounding) menumbuk: to ~ paddy, menumbuk padi; b. (coconut, ear of corn) mengopek. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
strike | b. (with clenched fist) menumbuk: the boxer was struck on the jaw several times, petinju itu ditumbuk pd rahangnya beberapa kali; he was so angry, that he struck the desk with his fist, dia sangat marah dan menumbuk meja dgn buku limanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hit | vi 1. strike, a. (gen) memukul; b. (with fist) menumbuk: he ~ right and left against his assailants, dia menumbuk ke kiri dan ke kanan ke arah penyerang-penyerangnya; c. (with open hand) menampar; d. (with hammer) mengetuk, memukul; e. (with whip) menyebat; 2. reach target, mengenai sasaran: he shot three times but ~ only once, dia menembak tiga kali tetapi hanya satu yg mengenai sasaran; 3. arrive with damaging effect, menimpa; (of storm, typhoon, etc) melanda: when trouble ~s, apabila kesusahan menimpa; take precautions before the hurricane ~s, berjaga-jaga sebelum badai melanda; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pounce | ~(away) at, a. hit or knock heavily on (door, wall, etc) menumbuk: he was ~ing away at their door in the middle of the night, dia menumbuk pintu rumah mereka pd waktu tengah malam; b. strike (the ears) repeatedly, membingitkan: the noise of the drill ~ed away at our ears the whole morning, bunyi bising gerudi itu membingitkan telinga kami sepanjang pagi; c. (of artillery) fire repeatedly at same place, membedil: the guns ~ed away at the fort, senapang-senapang digunakan utk membedil kubu itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
punch 1 | pull o’s ~es, restrain os from attacking as hard as one is able, a. (physically) tdk menumbuk sekuat yg mampu: he began to pull his ~es halfway through the bout, dia mula tdk menumbuk sekuat yg mampu pd pertengahan pertandingan itu; b. (verbally), (usu in negative form), (colloq) bercakap baik-baik: why should I pull my ~es when I have been so unfairly criticized, mengapa harus saya bercakap baik-baik sedangkan saya dikritik dgn begitu tdk adil; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |