cash | vt menunaikan: to ~ a cheque, menunaikan cek. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fulfil | (US) fulfill vt 1. carry out, (obligation, request, duty) menunaikan, memenuhi; (promise) menunaikan, memenuhi, menepati; (function, role) memenuhi: she still had one duty to ~, masih ada satu kewajipan yg harus ditunaikannya; we regret that we are unable to ~ your request, dukacita kami tdk dapat memenuhi permintaan saudara; he never ~led the promise he made to Fatimah, dia tdk pernah menepati janji yg dibuatnya kpd Fatimah; 2. comply with, memenuhi: you must first ~ all the requirements, pertama sekali kamu mesti memenuhi segala syarat; one of the conditions has not been ~led, satu drpd syarat itu belum dipenuhi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
draw | 11. disembowel, mengeluarkan isi perut; 12. also ~ out, withdraw, mengeluarkan: ~ing money from a bank, mengeluarkan wang dr bank; 13. cash, menunaikan: I drew a cheque on our joint account, saya menunaikan cek dr akaun bersama kami; 14. earn, mendapat: the workers here ~ good wages, pekerja-pekerja di sini mendapat gaji yg lumayan; 15. pick out by chance, mencabut: they decided it by ~ing lots, mereka membuat keputusan dgn mencabut undi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fulfilment | n 1. completion (of duty etc) penunaian, menunaikan; 2. compliance with, memenuhi; 3. realization (of hope, desire, etc) pencapaian; 4. state of being fulfilled, kepuasan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
good | in ~ time, awal: we didn’t make any stops so we arrived in ~ time, kami tdk berhenti di mana-mana, jadi kami sampai awal; make ~, berjaya: he was a local boy who made ~ in the States, dia anak tempatan yg telah berjaya di Amerika; make ~ st, a. pay for st, membayar sst: his insurance company made ~ the loss, syarikat insuransnya membayar kerugian itu; b. effect, /dapat, berjaya/ [v]: the thief made ~ his escape, pencuri itu dapat melarikan diri; c. prove the truth of, melakukan: he made ~ his threat, dia melakukan ugutannya; d. fulfil, menunaikan, menepati, memenuhi: the government has made ~ its election promises, kerajaan telah menunaikan janji-janjinya dlm pilihan raya; (that’s) a ~ question, (itu) soalan yg susah hendak dijawab; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
depend | ~ /on, upon/, a. rely on, need, bergantung kpd: he ~ed on a scholarship for funds, dia bergantung kpd biasiswa sbg biayanya; b. be influenced, determined by, bergantung kpd: wages will ~ on qualifications, gaji akan bergantung kpd kelulusan; our decision will ~ on the recommendations of the commission, keputusan kami akan bergantung kpd syor-syor suruhanjaya itu; c. trust, be sure of, mengharapkan, mempercayai: we can ~ on him to keep his promise, kita boleh mengharapkannya utk menunaikan janjinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |