descending | adj menurun: in ~ order, mengikut tertib menurun; ~ powers, kuasa menurun; ~ colon, kolon menurun; ~ letter, huruf tiangan bawah; ~ wind, angin turun. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fall | 3. drop in pitch, menurun: her voice rose and fell, suaranya menaik dan menurun; 4. abate, subside, reda: the wind fell, angin telah reda; the flames rose and fell, api itu menjulang dan reda; 5. become lowered, memandang ke bawah: his eyes fell, matanya memandang ke bawah; 6. collapse esp in fragments, runtuh, roboh; 7. hang down, a. (of skirt etc) tergantung: his cloak ~s from the shoulder, jubahnya tergantung dr bahunya; b. (of hair) terjurai, mengurai: her hair ~s loosely, rambutnya terjurai lepas; 8. be killed, gugur, terkorban: those who fell in the war, mereka yg gugur di medan perang; 9. slope downwards, melandai: the land ~s towards the sea, tanah itu melandai ke arah laut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dip | vi 1. slope down, menurun: the land ~s to the south, tanah itu menurun ke arah selatan; 2. descend sharply, menjunam: the eagle ~ped and swooped on its prey, burung helang itu menjunam dan menyambar mangsanya; 3. decline, jatuh, turun: prices ~ped because of reduced taxes, harga turun disebabkan pengurangan cukai; 4. sink, terbenam: the sun ~s below the horizon, matahari terbenam di ufuk barat; 5. (geol) condong: sedimentary rocks ~ping eastwards, batu mendak yg condong ke arah timur; 6. plunge (into st) to take st out, menyeluk: he ~ped into his pocket for the key, dia menyeluk sakunya utk mengambil kunci; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
decline | vi 1. slope downward, menurun, melandai: the track ~d to the beach, jalan kecil itu menurun ke pantai; 2. deteriorate, diminish, merosot: his power slowly ~d, kuasanya beransur-ansur merosot; the birth rate has been declining for some years, kadar kelahiran telah merosot selama beberapa tahun; the value of the property is declining steadily, nilai harta itu beransur-ansur merosot; 3. refuse, menolak; (to do st) enggan: every time he is invited he ~s, setiap kali dijemput, dia menolak; he ~d to discuss his future plans, dia enggan membincangkan rancangan masa depannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inclined | adj 1. slanted, condong; (of road) menurun: an ~ plane, satah condong; a steeply ~ road, jalan yg menurun dgn curamnya; 2. have preference for, cenderung: mathematically ~, cenderung dlm matematik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
incline | vi 1. lean, condong: the post ~d to the left, tiang itu condong ke kiri; 2. slope, menurun: the road ~s towards the sea, jalan itu menurun hala ke laut; 3. bend, membongkok: he ~d forward to whisper in her ear, dia membongkok utk berbisik di telinga gadis itu; 4. a. be disposed (to do st or to particular belief etc) cenderung: some extremist socialists ~ towards Communism, sesetengah sosialis pelampau cenderung ke arah fahaman omunis; b. be disposed (towards particular state) mudah: he ~s to get tired easily, dia mudah letih; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
downward | adj 1. from higher to lower place, position, ke bawah: a ~ glance, memandang ke bawah; 2. (of trend) menurun: to halt the ~ trend of rubber prices, memberhentikan arah aliran harga getah yg menurun; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
downturn | n kemerosotan; (of inflation, price) menurun. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
descend | vi 1. move, go down, turun; (of sun) turun, tergelincir, jatuh: the balloon ~ed slowly, belon itu turun dgn perlahan-lahan; 2. slope, menurun: the path ~ed steeply down the mountainside, laluan itu menurun dgn curamnya di lereng gunung; 3. be inherited, diwariskan: all property will ~ to the eldest son, semua harta akan diwariskan kpd anak lelaki sulung; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lapse | vi 1. fall short, a. (of high standards) berkurang, menurun: standards in performance have ~d in recent years, mutu persembahan berkurang sejak tahun-tahun kebelakangan ini; b. (in o’s moral life) menyeleweng: don’t adopt such a holier-than-thou attitude for occassionally you too can ~ from it, jangan ambil sikap yg kamu lebih suci drpd orang lain krn kadang kala kamu boleh menyeleweng juga; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |