conventional | adj 1. based on convention, menurut /adat kebiasaan, (adat) resam/: he was accorded the ~ welcome, dia diberi sambutan menurut adat kebiasaan; ~ propriety, sopan santun menurut adat kebiasaan; 2. following, conforming to what is customary, lazim, konvensional; (of person) konvensional: a ~ design, corak konvensional; ~ methods, kaedah konvensional; he is not at all ~, dia sama sekali tdk konvensional; 3. (of weapon, warfare, etc) biasa: ~ weapons, senjata biasa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
authority | 5. source of information accepted as authoritative, approp n yg berwibawa (yg dirujuk): you must quote your authorities, kamu mesti menyebut buku yg berwibawa yg dirujuk; 6. expert in a particular field, orang yg berwibawa, pakar, ahli: an ~ on Malay custom, pakar dlm adat Melayu; 7. public board, agency, lembaga: port ~, lembaga pelabuhan; have it on good ~, mendapat tahu dr sumber yg /dapat, boleh/ dipercayai; have it on the ~ of so., /menurut, mengikut/ keterangan sso: I have it on the ~ of the Vice-Chancellor that..., menurut keterangan Naib Canselor...; be in ~, berkuasa: whoever is in ~..., sesiapa saja yg berkuasa...; of ~, berwibawa: a man of ~, lelaki yg berwibawa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |