cover | ~ st up, a. hide st, /menutup, menyembunyikan/ sst: to ~ up a scandal, menutup skandal; to ~ up o’s guilt, menutup rasa bersalah sso; b. protect st with clothing etc, menutup sst: if you don’t ~ the baby’s feet up he’ll catch cold, kalau kamu tdk menutup kaki bayi itu, dia akan mendapat selesema; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cover | vt 1. place st over, menutup: she ~ed her face with her hands, dia menutup mukanya dgn tangan; to ~ o’s head with a shawl, menutup kepala dgn selendang; to ~ the hole with a plank, menutup lubang itu dgn sekeping papan; 2. overspread, melitupi: snow ~ed the mountain tops, salji melitupi puncak gunung; 3. extend thickly over, (act.) memenuhi; (pass.) penuh: the garden was ~ed with pests, taman itu penuh dgn serangga; 4. wrap, membalut: to ~ the books with brown paper, membalut buku-buku itu dgn kertas kuning; 5. be sufficient for, cukup utk menampung: $100 will ~ all my expenses, $100 cukup utk menampung semua perbelanjaan saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
block | ~ out, a. cover, menutup, melindungi: thick rain clouds were ~ing out the sun, mendung tebal menutup matahari; b. get in the way of, menyekat; c. (photog & printing) menutup: ~ out the top of the negative, tutup bahagian atas negatif itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
close | vt 1. shut, a. (gen) menutup: please ~ the gate, tolong tutup pintu pagar itu; b. (eyes) memejamkan, menutup; 2. declare not open to the public, menutup: the police ~d the bridge, polis menutup jambatan itu; 3. conclude, menamatkan: he ~d the meeting early, dia menamatkan mesyuarat itu lebih awal; 4. make compact, merapatkan: the soldiers ~d ranks, askar-askar itu merapatkan barisan mereka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
foreclose | vt menutup: the finance company was obliged to ~ the mortage, syarikat kewangan itu terpaksa menutup gadai janji tersebut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cover-up | n /menutup, menyembunyikan/ + approp n: the delay was just a ~, kelewatannya itu hanyalah utk menutup apa yg sebenarnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cork | vt also ~ up, menutup, menyumbat: to ~ up the wine bottles, menutup botol wain; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
foreclose | ~ on so., menutup gadai janji sso, merampas harta sso: my bank has ~ on me, bank saya sudah menutup gadai janji saya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cap | vt 1. put a lid on, menutup: to ~ a bottle tightly, menutup botol ketat-ketat; 2. form a cap over, melitupi: the snow ~ped the mountain top, salji melitupi puncak gunung itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
block | ~ up, a. close, fill in, menutup, menimbus, mengambus: he ~ed up the hole with earth, dia menutup lubang itu dgn tanah; b. prevent movement through, (act.) menyumbat; (pass.) tersumbat: please call the plumber as the pipe is ~ed up again, tolong panggil tukang paip krn paip ini tersumbat lagi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |