envelop | vt 1. wrap up, (in a garment) menutupi; (in a shawl, blanket) membaluti: a three - year - old girl wearing an oversized robe which completely ~ed her, kanak-kanak berumur tiga tahun memakai jubah yg terlalu besar yg menutupi seluruh badannya; she had ~ed the baby in a large woollen shawl, dia membaluti bayi itu dgn selendang bulu yg besar; 2. cover completely as to conceal from sight, menyelubungi, menyelimuti; (in flames) menelan: they were prevented from landing by the fog which ~ed the city, mereka tdk dapat mendarat disebabkan kabut yg menyelubungi bandar itu; the whole building was ~ed in flames, seluruh bangunan itu ditelan api; 3. obscure, menyelubungi: a subject ~ed in mystery, perkara yg diselubungi misteri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drape | vt menutupi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cloak | n mantel; be a ~ for, (fig.) menyelubungi, menutupi: her honeyed words were a ~ for her evil intentions, kata-katanya yg manis spt madu menyelubungi niatnya yg jahat; under /a, the/ ~ of, [various translations]: the king’s men arrived at the camp under the ~ of darkness, orang-orang raja tiba di perkhemahan itu dlm suasana yg gelap; the whole operation seems to be under a ~ of secrecy, keseluruhan operasi itu seolah-olah diselubungi rahsia; atrocities carried out under the ~ of religion, kekejaman yg dilakukan dgn berselindung di balik agama; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clothe | vt 1. provide clothes for, menyediakan pakaian utk: to ~ o’s family, menyediakan pakaian utk keluarga; 2. cover, melitupi, menutupi: snow ~d the hills, salji melitupi bukit-bukit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flop | vi 1. let os fall heavily and loosely, merebahkan badan: he ~ped down into the chair, dia merebahkan badannya ke atas kerusi itu; 2. all heavily and loosely, menggelepai: the brim of her hat kept ~ping over her eyes, bibir topinya sentiasa menggelepai menutupi matanya; 3. (colloq) fail, gagal: he ~ped in the exams, dia gagal dlm peperiksaan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |