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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

antiphonaladj 1. sung alternately, antifon: ~ singing, nyanyian antifon; 2. responsive, menyambut: the blare of trumpets is ~ to the beating of drums, bunyi trompet menyambut bunyi paluan gendang.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hail 2 vt 1. greet esp with enthusiasm, menyambut dgn sorak-sorai: the new president was ~ed by his supporters as he entered the hall, presiden yg baru itu disambut dgn sorak-sorai oleh penyokong-penyokongnya sebaik sahaja dia masuk ke dewan; 2. acclaim, mengalu-alukan: they ~ed him as the new child hero, mereka mengalu-alukannya sbg pahlawan kanak-kanak yg baru; the new discovery was ~ed as a milestone in modern science, penemuan baru itu dialu-alukan sbg satu detik penting dlm sains moden; 3. attract attention by calling out, memanggil: they ~ed the boat from the jetty, mereka memanggil bot dr jeti itu; 4. signal to stop, menahan: the doorman ~ed the cab, penjaga pintu itu menahan teksi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
catchvt 1. capture, menangkap: the thief has been caught, pencuri itu sudah ditangkap; to ~ butterflies with a net, menangkap rama-rama dgn tangguk; 2. attract and hold, menarik: the speaker was able to ~ the attention of the audience, penceramah itu telah dapat menarik perhatian para pendengar; 3. grasp st moving, menangkap: he caught the ball easily, dia menangkap bola itu dgn mudah; 4. receive falling object, menyambut: the fireman caught the child as she jumped from the window, ahli bomba itu menyambut kanak-kanak tersebut ketika dia terjun dr tingkap; 5. take in, retain, menadah: small bowls are used to ~ the latex, mangkuk-mangkuk kecil digunakan utk menadah susu getah; 6. hit, kena: the blow caught him in the ribs, tumbukan itu kena pd rusuknya; 7. board, menaiki: to ~ the 8.30 train, menaiki kereta api pukul 8.30;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
delivervt 1. distribute (letters, groceries, etc) menghantar: to ~ parcels for a department store, menghantar bungkusan utk sebuah gedung serbanika; 2. rescue, liberate, menyelamatkan, membebaskan: to ~ so. from captivity, menyelamatkan sso drpd tawanan; 3. present, menyampaikan, memberikan: to ~ a speech, menyampaikan ucapan; 4. hand over, surrender, often ~ /up, over/, menyerahkan: they were made to ~ over their revolvers, mereka dipaksa menyerahkan pistol mereka; to ~ up a village to the enemy, menyerahkan kampung kpd pihak musuh; 5. send forth, a. (ball) membaling, menghantar; b. (blow etc) memberikan: to ~ a series of punches, memberikan tumbukan yg bertubi-tubi; 6. help in the birth of, menyambut: to ~ a baby, menyambut bayi yg baru lahir;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
answervt 1. reply, menjawab; (by letter) menjawab, membalas: he ~ed every question, dia menjawab setiap soalan; have you ~ed the invitation?, sudahkah kamu menjawab undangan itu?; letters to be ~ed, surat-surat yg perlu dibalas; 2. react, respond to, a. (by doing st in return for) membalas: he ~ed blows with blows, dia membalas pukulan dgn pukulan; the signal was not ~ed, isyarat itu tdk dibalas; b. (by obeying, succumbing) mengikut: the listing ship would not ~ the helm, kapal yg senget itu tdk mahu mengikut kemudinya; the horse ~ed the spur, kuda itu mengikut apabila dipacu; c. (by fulfilling a need, request, etc) menyambut: many people ~ed the appeal for donations, banyak orang yg menyambut rayuan meminta derma itu; d. (by acknowledging o’s name) menyahut: to ~ a roll-call, menyahut apabila nama dipanggil;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
greetingn 1. salutation, a. (in words) tegur sapa, sapaan: her friendly ~ put everyone at ease, tegur sapanya yg mesra menyenangkan hati setiap orang; b. (by gesture or action), /bentuk, cara/ /alu-aluan, menyambut sso/: a smile, bow, nod of the head and wave of the hand are all ~s, senyum, membongkokkan badan, menundukkan kepala dan melambai, semuanya ialah cara alu-aluan; c. (in writing) salam: please convey my ~s to the family, tolong sampaikan salam saya kpd keluarga; 2. good wishes, ucapan selamat: birthday ~s, ucapan selamat hari jadi.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
honkn 1. sound (of car horn) bunyi pon(-pon): the ~ of the car horn woke me, bunyi pon kereta membuat saya terjaga; 2. cry (of wild goose etc) bunyi ang: the ~s of geese greeted us as we came through the gate, bunyi ang angsa menyambut kami sebaik sahaja kami masuk melalui pintu pagar itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fieldvt 1. intercept (ball) menahan: he ~ed the ball with great skill, dia menahan bola dgn baik sekali; 2. send (players etc) on to the field to play, menurunkan: our school ~ed two netball teams, sekolah kami menurunkan dua pasukan bola jaring; 3. deal with (compliment, question) menyambut.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
complimentn 1. expression of praise, admiration, etc, pujian: a back-handed ~, pujian yg samar-samar maksudnya; pay so. a ~, /memuji, memberikan pujian kpd /sso; 2. (usu in pl) formal greetings, salam: my ~s to your family, sampaikan salam saya kpd keluargamu; return the ~, membalas (pujian sso); ~s of the season, selamat menyambut /hari Krismas, Tahun Baru/; with the /author’s, publisher’s, etc/ ~s, hadiah ikhlas drpd /penulis, penerbit, dll/;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
greetvt 1. extend a welcome to, a. (with words), /menegur, menyapa/ [sso] (dgn ucapan), mengucapkan [sst] kpd [sso]: I was surprised she didn’t ~ me when she saw me, dia tdk menyapa saya langsung apabila dia ternampak saya; he ~ed his teacher with a cheerful “Good morning”, dia mengucapkan “Selamat pagi” kpd gurunya dgn riang; b. (with cries etc), /menegur, menyapa/ [sso] (dgn): they ~ed us with friendly shouts, mereka menyapa kami dgn laungan mesra; c. (with gesture or action) menyambut:Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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