lay 1 | vt 1. set down, place, meletakkan; (in vertical position) menyandarkan; (in horizontal position) membaringkan: he laid a restraining hand on the child’s shoulder, dia meletakkan tangannya pd bahu budak itu utk menahannya; the Prime Minister laid the foundation stone last week, Perdana Menteri meletakkan batu asas minggu lalu; ~ your shovel against the wall and come over here, sandarkan penyodok kamu pd dinding dan mari sini; they laid the wounded soldier down on the ground, mereka membaringkan askar yg cedera itu di atas tanah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bolster | vt also ~ up, 1. support with a pillow, menyandarkan [sso] pd bantal: the patient sat ~ed up in his bed, pesakit itu duduk di katilnya tersandar pd bantal; 2. (fig.), (support) menyokong, menunjang; (strengthen) memperkuat, memperkukuh: the new evidence ~ed his argument, bukti-bukti yg baru itu memperkuat hujahnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |