hang | ~ up, a. suspend with a string, cord, etc, menggantungkan: he does not ~ up his clothes after taking them off, dia tdk menggantungkan pakaian selepas menanggalkannya; b. place on chair, hook, etc, menyangkutkan; c. put telephone receiver down, meletakkan gagang telefon: he hung up before I had finished talking, dia meletakkan gagang telefon sebelum saya habis bercakap; d. (usu pass.) delay, tergendala: the peace talks were hung up because of renewed fighting, perbincangan perdamaian tergendala krn pertempuran meletus semula; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hang | vt 1. suspend, a. (by a string, cord, etc) menggantung(kan): he hung the portrait in the bedroom, dia menggantungkan potret itu di bilik tidur; to ~ new curtains, menggantung langsir baru; b. (by placing onto a chair, hook, etc) menyangkutkan: he ung his shirt on the back of the chair, dia menyangkutkan kemejanya di penyandar kerusi itu; c. (by spreading on clothes-line, string, etc) menyidai, mengampaikan: she hung the wet towel on the towel rail, dia menyidai tuala yg basah itu di penyidai tuala; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hitch | vt 1. usu ~ up, pull up, a. (into place) menarik (sedikit): as he sat down he ~ed up his trousers, semasa dia hendak duduk, dia menarik seluarnya; b. (to make st shorter) menyingsing: she ~ed up her skirt and waded into the water, dia menyingsing skirtnya dan meranduk air; 2. fasten, menambat, mengikat; (with hook or loop of rope) menyangkutkan: he ~ed his horse to the gatepost, dia menambat kudanya pd tiang pintu pagar; he ~ed his hat on a peg, dia menyangkutkan topinya pd pepaku; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |